Cake Decorating Community - Cakes We Bake

Thought I would start a new discussion and see where it goes!  Each time you have a new project be sure to post it to your pictures but also post it here so we all can see your most recent work!


I will start it off with the cake I did for our Grandson's First Birthday cake this weekend.  Cookie Monster and Big Bird were a bit big and this is my first attempt at a Wonky cake so there is a lot I need to learn but here it is .... it was a ton of fun!


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Jeri that is sooo cute! How did you make your figuriens? My latest was a topsy turvy as well for Mardi gras/50th Birthday. New thing on this was the chocolate mask and feathers. Have not worked with chocolate much.

Lovely cakes - I love wonky cakes, been looking for an excuse to try one!

This is my latest project, for my 15 year old stepson. He's obsessed with Doctor Who so I thought I'd be brave and try a Tardis for him. His only criticism was that the roof didn't look quite right but I knew that anyway so I can live with that! That's the trouble with making something before the rest of the cake is assembled - it looked ok until it was actually sat on top of the cake.

New techniques used: My first time using dowles (was worried it wouldn't take the weight of the roof without help), painting a wood effect (ish!), using rice paper and piping grass.

And I learned that even if you're working from a template you should still expect nothing to fit where it's supposed to!
Hi Lily that's a great cake! very well made is it a lot bigger inside?

Lilly Manning said:

Lovely cakes - I love wonky cakes, been looking for an excuse to try one!

This is my latest project, for my 15 year old stepson. He's obsessed with Doctor Who so I thought I'd be brave and try a Tardis for him. His only criticism was that the roof didn't look quite right but I knew that anyway so I can live with that! That's the trouble with making something before the rest of the cake is assembled - it looked ok until it was actually sat on top of the cake.

New techniques used: My first time using dowles (was worried it wouldn't take the weight of the roof without help), painting a wood effect (ish!), using rice paper and piping grass.

And I learned that even if you're working from a template you should still expect nothing to fit where it's supposed to!
You did have fun! I like the little guy on the top!
Lily.. very nice detail work. I am not familiar with Doctor Who so can't comment on if it is or is not quite right but I think you did a great job!

Tucker's cake was not really going to be a wonky cake but I have one to do in a few weeks for a sweet 16 party and decided I'd learn on his. It is ok... not my cleanest work though.
Nice job Machelle! Love the colors
Big Bird and Cookie Monster were molded RKT covered in fondant and the others were all fondant. I just looked at pictures and made them from the pics. It was fun to do.

Machelle said:
Jeri that is sooo cute! How did you make your figuriens? My latest was a topsy turvy as well for Mardi gras/50th Birthday. New thing on this was the chocolate mask and feathers. Have not worked with chocolate much.

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