Cake Decorating Community - Cakes We Bake

This discussion is for everyone to introduce themselves. Let us know where you from. I'm from High Point, North Carolina. And have been making cakes for about a year but only seriously for about 4 mnths now.

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I am in sunny and warm Arizona, from Peoria, a suburb of Phoenix. I am a father of 5 kids, a grandfather to one, the cutest little grandson on the planet (no prejudice here!) I am an amateur, am working at getting better, haven't taken the time to take classes yet. I mainly do it as a fun hobby and enjoy making theme cakes for family and friends. It all started a few years ago when a good friend who hails from Arkansas, was getting married. I referred to him as "redneck 1" and he enjoyed every aspect of being referred to as a redneck ( no offense if anyone from Arkansas feels like they are not redneckish. I personally am a little myself!). Anyway, I told him I was going to make a redneck wedding cake, and did so by taking two styrofoam rounds, glued them together, then on the outside I hot glued twinkies still in the package standing on their ends around the outside of the rounds. I then put Hostess DingDongs still in the package and put a layer of them on the top of the rounds to form the top of the cake. I then added some silk flowers and a sign with "Congratulation's" sentiments on it. It was a hit and I have dabbled in it ever since. I even ended up doing my daughters wedding cake, much to my wife and daughter's concern, which ended up quite nice I have to say, being a tiered assembly of decorated cheesecakes. Anyway, I enjoy the fun and enjoy looking at every bodies creations. There is a lot of fun and great talent out there. Keep up the great work!
I'm from East Anglia in the UK. I've been decorating for about 18 months, almost entirely in fondant - I can't get buttercream smooth enough to suit my obsessive streak! I'm self-taught, using books and trial and error. I think my biggest challenge so far has been working out how to make sugar glass for my stepsons video game based cake. I spent three days trying different things and getting more and more stresses because time was running out before I thought to look on the internet for instructions! I've got a busy year this year; it's my niece's 30th birthday in April followed by my sister's 50th just over a week later, and then my brother is getting married in May and wants three tiers and lots of roses so that will definitely be a challange!
Hi. Im from Singapore, the other end of the world from everyone here so far but Im currenty based in Malaysia. Took up cake decorating years ago but left it to pick training in baking.. went on to become head of bakery in Carrefour Singapore.. but have now decided to pick up where I left off. To brush up my skills, I took 3 of the Wilton courses and the Squires Kitchen course. Glad to have stumble across this forum.
I'm from the Bronx, NY. I completed Wilton Course 2 and will begin the Fondant & Gumpaste course in a few weeks. I've always baked for my family but just now started with decorating. Enjoying it!!
I am from Antigua & Barbuda in the Caribbean, it is warm and sunny. I took a course in cake making and decorating in October 2007 and have been doing well so far. I however would love to take and advance course so that I will be able to make fondant and be as creative as Buddy on Cake Boss. I love what I do and plan to make a business out of it one day.
I'm in central Ohio. I started making cakes about four months ago. I worked as a cookie decorator for a Cookies by Design franchise for a little over three years. Our store closed two days before Christmas so I am now unemployed. I have plenty time to practice now...who knows, maybe this addiction of mine will turn into a new career!
I'm from Dundee, Scotland. Originally from London. I have been making cakes for friends and family for a few years or so now.
I'm Janine - from Regina Canada -
Like most of us, Cake decorating started as a hobby - i've always made my kids birthday cakes - but just got the guts to sign up for a Wilton course last spring. Life got hectic so Course I is all I've taken - but start Course II next week! I hope I haven't forgotten everything i learned.

You guys all seem so confident - way to go! I've never offered to make anything for anyone else because I'm sure it would flop LOL

When we all started, Im sure we all felt the same way you do. But you will never know how far you can go until you try. Despite my years in the line, Im still amazed by the cakes done by some people out there. Amazing stuff. But having said that, there are those who post photos of the ugly cakes (in my opnion)as well. They just got more confidence than I do. So go on and try.. you can start by giving a surprise if you dare not take an order yet.... Good luck and have fun

Janine said:
I'm Janine - from Regina Canada -
Like most of us, Cake decorating started as a hobby - i've always made my kids birthday cakes - but just got the guts to sign up for a Wilton course last spring. Life got hectic so Course I is all I've taken - but start Course II next week! I hope I haven't forgotten everything i learned.

You guys all seem so confident - way to go! I've never offered to make anything for anyone else because I'm sure it would flop LOL

I wouldn't say I've got confidence but I just ensure I plan it out way ahead before even making the cake. I make a step by step guide, make a list of everything I need, make a sketch of the cake and have a picture in my head of what I expect it to look like. Preparation is everything.

Try make a cake for a friend or family and I think you will surprise yourself and cope just fine and the cake will look fantastic.


Janine said:
I'm Janine - from Regina Canada -
Like most of us, Cake decorating started as a hobby - i've always made my kids birthday cakes - but just got the guts to sign up for a Wilton course last spring. Life got hectic so Course I is all I've taken - but start Course II next week! I hope I haven't forgotten everything i learned.

You guys all seem so confident - way to go! I've never offered to make anything for anyone else because I'm sure it would flop LOL
I have to agree - just give it a whirl and see what happens! Sometimes, things you think should be very simple end up being the worst to make! Mostly though, I think we cakers have a tendency to see the flaws, while the people we make the cakes for see the beauty! Take pictures of the cakes you do - and then compare them from time to time - you'll see improvement. And remember, when you take on a new challenge - no matter how it turns out - you learned a new skill!
I am from Newark, NJ. I have been doing this for 5 months, I recently was just decorating for the decorating classes I was taking at Michael's and now I am actually baking and decorating for family and my co-workers. I bake and decorate so they can give me their opinion.


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