Cake Decorating Community - Cakes We Bake

Yeah! We just reached a new milestone!

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Just goes to show you are doing a great job!
wooo hooo :)
COngradulations Theresa & Cakes We bake Yeah yahoo
So glad to be one in that number!
This is awesome!!! I was one of the first 200 members and I thought then this site was going to do well. Congrats!!!!
great going......
Woo Hoo!
Thats awesome Teresa !

I have been on a few other forums, and never really felt welcome.
Some of them say "highly addictive" ...... they arrnt when people are not very friendly.

but here ....... ITS HIGHLY ADDICTIVE =-D

i havnt been a member long, but everyone here is SUPER nice and they actually want to help when you need it.
its awesome.
AND i used to code webpages for IBM before i moved to Cleveland, and some of the other sites are not set up
that great. This site is neat & clean, and easy to navigate.

i love this site =-) its my homepage =-)
Thanks for the kind words, everyone. And thank you because all of you make this site special. It is everyone's sharing and kindness that make the site what it is.
That is really amazing not even up for year yet....Theresa you do a wonderful job here and I for one, thank you!

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