Cake Decorating Community - Cakes We Bake

I am going to be making cupcakes when a friend of mine has her baby since she opted out on a baby shower.  I wanted to pre make some of the flowers to top them.  How far in advance can you make fondant and butter cream flowers?  Any advice ways to dry them to keep them longer?  

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I have pre made fonant flowers and cut out, i find as long as the air can get to them, i have them stored in a tray tower ( where you could keep paper work, in the stationary section) then they are great, if they are kept in an air tight conatiner than they go all soft and are hard to handel. I have never made butter cream flowers in advance.
buttercream fowers and decorations are the same, as long as they can airdry they will be fine indefinitely. they will will form just a little crust but are soft when eaten. just don't but them in an airtight container, just layout on rack or something with a cover so dust can't get on them. i store mine in cardboard boxes where they can keep their shape but cover with a net or something so they can still airdry without loosing their shape or get soft. buttercream and rolled buttercream is the only thing i use. my flowers on my cakes are made in advance when i have a little time to play then they are ready to place on my cakes when i bake them. hope this helps

Dannielle Turner said:
I have pre made fonant flowers and cut out, i find as long as the air can get to them, i have them stored in a tray tower ( where you could keep paper work, in the stationary section) then they are great, if they are kept in an air tight conatiner than they go all soft and are hard to handel. I have never made butter cream flowers in advance.
Thank you both so much! As a beginner, I feel like I learn something new everyday from this site. I just wish I could make more cakes to try out everything! I have never tried rolled buttercream, that will definitely be something for me to look in to. Thanks for all the help!
i use the rolled buttercream mostly for my cake figures but can also be used for anything just the same as fondant. the rolled buttercream has a much better, sweeter taste and you work with the rolled buttercream the same as you do fondant. that's why i like to use the buttercream and rolled buttercream for my flowers and figures. definitely worth a try to see which you like the best. it's always fun to try something new. have fun!

Shallena Miller said:
Thank you both so much! As a beginner, I feel like I learn something new everyday from this site. I just wish I could make more cakes to try out everything! I have never tried rolled buttercream, that will definitely be something for me to look in to. Thanks for all the help!

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