Cake Decorating Community - Cakes We Bake

I'd like to get some opinions. When I bake, anything, cookies, muffins, banana bread, whatever, I'm  totally ANTI-Box mix. If Im going through the trouble to make someone a beautiful cake it just goes totally against my grain to use a box mix. I guess I think they can go to the store and buy it themselves (probably cheaper too) if I was just gonna mix up a box?! I feel like Im cheating somehow. Maybe its the way I was raised? Everything ~ dinner desserts whatever, made from scratch, even grown fresh when possible. I watched my grandma stretch dough across the dining room table while making the BEST APPLE STRUEDEL EVER!!! Maybe that's what it is??

But anyway, is this just my dying opinion? I was looking at some recipes and variations that start with (or at least include) a box mix, then other variables are added (so its only half-scratch). It seems so much easier than fact maybe thats the problem, too easy? Don't get me wrong, I'm all about easy, but still have this nagging thought of "I'm cheating"

Any other thoughts out there, or is it just me?

Thanks for sharing...maybe you can save me from myself. LOL

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I'm with Edna. There are certain cakes that are a must for me to do from scratch and then there are others "WASC" that I don't mind using at all, especially for class cakes. So I'm 1/2 & 1/2 on this one. The same goes for frostings and fillings. As far as the fondant is concerned, I use Satin Ice and have not tried making the MMF yet. I haven't tried the "new and improved" Wilton. When I first started out, I would mix 1/2 Wilton and 1/2 Satin Ice. Satin Ice won me over.
I am just wondering why a box mix isn't considered scratch?...doesn't it have all the same ingredients that you would use in a "scratch" recipe? flour? sugar? flavoring? baking soda? baking powder?...why isn't it scratch just because someone else put those components together for you in a box? how is it any different from a recipe that needs chicken soup and you use a can of campbells instead of making a whole pot of soup for the one cup you might need?

Any way, I guess you can tell where my vote them doctored cakes!!!!!
I see where you're coming from Sherry. I look at soup either canned or home made. To be honest with you, I prefer home made and I like Lipton ~ LOL. I like scratch cake and WASC.
Lol...I love the control addict part..I think all cake decorators have a little bit of that. I love cake, box, scratch, mixed. As long as it's moist, I will go for anything!
That was actually gonna be my answer too. I looked at the ingredients on the side of the box this morning, and there's a handful of "stuff" I have no idea what it is, nor do I want to know, maybe? Good comparison of the soup, but again, I make my chicken broth from "scratch", boil a big ole' chicken for hours add the onions and its the best! Canned stuff is just no good esp when you're sick (except as an ingredient). To me soup from a can tastes a bit fake, I must confess I kinda got that taste from my test cake too, but I don't think anyone else would notice, I was probably just looking for it.
But again, I grew up in a family who did everything scratch. So i guess its just what I'm accustomed too.
What I might just do is use the WASC w/Box for people who I know don't care either way, like a kids party, or for someone who wants a less expensive way to go, because it IS still is tasty.

Denise said:
Sherry- with me it is all about the "extra" stuff that goes into the box cake that I do not want. Where as with my own concoction I control the ingredients...LOL yes I guess that makes me a bit of a Control Freak. Hello, my name is Denise and I am a Control Addict LOL!!!!

Sherry Qualls said:
I am just wondering why a box mix isn't considered scratch?...doesn't it have all the same ingredients that you would use in a "scratch" recipe? flour? sugar? flavoring? baking soda? baking powder?...why isn't it scratch just because someone else put those components together for you in a box? how is it any different from a recipe that needs chicken soup and you use a can of campbells instead of making a whole pot of soup for the one cup you might need?

Any way, I guess you can tell where my vote them doctored cakes!!!!!
That's my girl Sherry! I agree it's still home made...and almost always fool proof and moist :)

Sherry Qualls said:
I am just wondering why a box mix isn't considered scratch?...doesn't it have all the same ingredients that you would use in a "scratch" recipe? flour? sugar? flavoring? baking soda? baking powder?...why isn't it scratch just because someone else put those components together for you in a box? how is it any different from a recipe that needs chicken soup and you use a can of campbells instead of making a whole pot of soup for the one cup you might need?

Any way, I guess you can tell where my vote them doctored cakes!!!!!
Well I bit the bullet and baked a 6 layer (3 tier) cake today using the WASC with a box mix. I HATE IT! I had to re-bake 3 of the layers because they fell in the center. That never happens (ok maybe once) with the scratch made, so whats up with the so-called "stability"?!?! I'm so annoyed - can you tell?!?! I do LOVE how much quicker I can put it together, and cheaper obviously, but that's about it. I'm going to adjust my prices maybe, and stick with the 2 lbs of butter-made- from- scratch-with- no-"help"-from-a-box-cake !
But thanks for all the tips and comments, at least I tried and don't have to wonder anymore. :)
PS - I will try the WASC from scratch recipe next. :)
I'm with you... I don't care for the WASC cake. Did you taste it? I can taste the mix in it. I know some people love it and that is great (different strokes for different folks and all), but it's not for me. But I am like you. I make most things from scratch. Hell... I made the ricotta cheese that went on the sausage, ricotta and green pepper pizza I made for dinner tonight (dough from scratch too). Nothing wrong with grabbing the dough and cheese from the grocery store, but I love making it and it goes to show how much I like for the things we eat to come from me. I am experimenting with making mozarella cheese too. If I had a recipe that called for cream of mushroom soup and I used the can of Campbell's then I wouldn't call it made from scratch... not at all. Homemade? Yes, but not from scratch. I would have to make that mushroom base.

Now, I don't think because I bake from scratch that makes me better than anyone else, but if you polled random people off the street and asked them if you baked a cake that started with a cake mix would you consider that to be made from scratch... most would say no. I'm not saying one is the high road and one is the low road, but there is a difference. I could personally care less what anyone does in their kitchens. You have to do what works and feels right for you, and if you rock the cake mix (be it straight up or doctored) then that is more than fine. At the end of the day, our customers (or families and friends) want a delicious homemade cake, and mix or scratch that is what we all are selling.

Jenifer said:
Well I bit the bullet and baked a 6 layer (3 tier) cake today using the WASC with a box mix. I HATE IT! I had to re-bake 3 of the layers because they fell in the center. That never happens (ok maybe once) with the scratch made, so whats up with the so-called "stability"?!?! I'm so annoyed - can you tell?!?! I do LOVE how much quicker I can put it together, and cheaper obviously, but that's about it. I'm going to adjust my prices maybe, and stick with the 2 lbs of butter-made- from- scratch-with- no-"help"-from-a-box-cake !
But thanks for all the tips and comments, at least I tried and don't have to wonder anymore. :)
Yes I can taste it too, but I didn't want to appear overly critical. :o)

Jeanne said:
I'm with you... I don't care for the WASC cake. Did you taste it? I can taste the mix in it. I know some people love it and that is great (different strokes for different folks and all), but it's not for me. But I am like you. I make most things from scratch. Hell... I made the ricotta cheese that went on the sausage, ricotta and green pepper pizza I made for dinner tonight (dough from scratch too). Nothing wrong with grabbing the dough and cheese from the grocery store, but I love making it and it goes to show how much I like for the things we eat to come from me. I am experimenting with making mozarella cheese too. If I had a recipe that called for cream of mushroom soup and I used the can of Campbell's then I wouldn't call it made from scratch... not at all. Homemade? Yes, but not from scratch. I would have to make that mushroom base.

Now, I don't think because I bake from scratch that makes me better than anyone else, but if you polled random people off the street and asked them if you baked a cake that started with a cake mix would you consider that to be made from scratch... most would say no. I'm not saying one is the high road and one is the low road, but there is a difference. I could personally care less what anyone does in their kitchens. You have to do what works and feels right for you, and if you rock the cake mix (be it straight up or doctored) then that is more than fine. At the end of the day, our customers (or families and friends) want a delicious homemade cake, and mix or scratch that is what we all are selling.

Jenifer said:
Well I bit the bullet and baked a 6 layer (3 tier) cake today using the WASC with a box mix. I HATE IT! I had to re-bake 3 of the layers because they fell in the center. That never happens (ok maybe once) with the scratch made, so whats up with the so-called "stability"?!?! I'm so annoyed - can you tell?!?! I do LOVE how much quicker I can put it together, and cheaper obviously, but that's about it. I'm going to adjust my prices maybe, and stick with the 2 lbs of butter-made- from- scratch-with- no-"help"-from-a-box-cake !
But thanks for all the tips and comments, at least I tried and don't have to wonder anymore. :)
I don't think it's being crtical... just stating your opinion and that it wasn't to your tastes. It's like enjoying coke over pepsi you know? You have been baking scratch cakes your whole life... of course this will stand out to you. Just like someone who has only ever really had mix based cakes might think a scratch cake is a little dense.


I tried the WASC cake as well and Betty Crocker came through loud and clear. I have been known to use a cake mix, but DUNCAN HINES is my preference. It doesn't have the plastic taste that Betty has. When I use a cake mix, I ALWAYS put in a package of DRY pudding. That gives you a very moist 3 layer cake. A touch of almond extract also makes it taste more like scratch.

I was raised overseas in a 3rd world country (at the time) and we didn't have access to mixes of any sort. It always aggrevated me when a receipe called for a mix (gravy, etc.). I compiled a cookbook of homemade mixes to keep on hand.

Personal preference is the key here ~ as well as time. If I'm cranking out 30-40 cakes during Thanksgiving, I will use a mix .and get exotic with the filling & frostings ... except for the carrot cakes. Once I get the filling & frosting done, no one cares about the cake!!! *Smile*

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