Cake Decorating Community - Cakes We Bake

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Has anyone seen a tutorial on this one?  Or do you have an idea on how to do this? 


I'm assuming that the head is a styrofoam ball.  My concern is keeping the lid on the box.

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Hey Deah

There is a member: Katarzyna Olejarczyk who did a cake very similar to this. I just commented on her page a week ago or so. She might be able to help you figure out how she did hers.

Hope this helps.

Thanks June!

Holy cats, that's cute! And the colors are amazing.  Where did you find this one, Deah?

Your welcome. Glad to help.

Deah said:

Thanks June!

I found it on Pinterest - my new addiction.  If you "need" an invite for Pinterest just let me know.

Eileen S said:

Holy cats, that's cute! And the colors are amazing.  Where did you find this one, Deah?

THanks Deah, but Pinterest confuses me right now. LOL - haven't taken the time to really learn my way around it. :)  I'm already on there though.


Deah & Eileen

pray tell.......what is Pinterest?????? I am now suitablely curious

Me too! I'm curious...what is Pinterest??

Deah Btw: I also would love to know if you get any details on this is ADORABLE.  And i have a baby shower for my best friend coming up end of Feb, and this would be PERFECT!!

I can't get into pinterest...won't let me log on via facebook and won't send me an invite to my email...anyone have any suggestions?

Pinterest is a website to create sort of a collage of ideas you have.  You have your own boards and you can see other's boards.  People "pin" photos on their own boards and then if you like it and want to try them you can "pin" them to your board.  It's all about putting things in once place.  I know I surf the web and see projects and then forget where I found them.  I'm no expert as I have just started using Pinterest. 


Sherry, I'll try to send you an invite via FB and see what happens.  If that doesn't work we'll try to do it by your email.


Anyone else want an invite? 

Sherry, just sent you an invite through FB.  If that doesn't work inbox me your email address and I'll try that way.



Yes please Deah...the site sounds very interesting!! And i'm in the same situation as you - find lots of ideas and i bookmark them, only to come back to it later and can't find it!!!! :D

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