Cake Decorating Community - Cakes We Bake

Hello, All. I've been praticing making flowers with gumpaste and having a heck of a time.  I've been using Edna's video's, and Way beyond cakes video's just to name a few. I'll pause every little step so that I could do what I just saw and I just can't get it to do what I see them doing. My gumpaste almost ALWAYS crack/split/crumble at some point. I used  Wilton's  Gum Paste Mix and followed directions when I mixed it which I then seperated for different colors that is wrapped in plastic and keep in an air tight container. When I squeeze them, they feel soft and pliable for working with. I would try going around the edges as Edna does but my gumpaste either cracks or becomes smashed. My ball tip is plastic not metal like the one Edna uses. So the question is, what am I doing wrong?

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When I make my flowers, I mix gum paste & fondant.  You can try about 50/50 or so.  You will find that his helps a lot.  I don't usually have a problem.

Ok, now I just have to get some fondant and try again. Thanks Goreti.

I think you will find it so much easier.  Good luck.  Let me know how you make out.

Hi Dee, I use the wilton recipe also, BUT when I mix it I don't put in all the pwdr sugar.  Just put in enough to form a soft ball.  Let it sit as per directions, when you are ready to use add pwdr sugar until you like the consistency for working with.  Also, it sounds like the cracking could be because it is drying out.  It drys out fast, so only use a little at a time.  If you are stopping to watch the video, it might be part of the problem.  Keep the petals covered with plastic wrap if possible.  If you notice the paste drying out as you are working with it, add shortening.  I could not do gumpaste without my shortening!  It will go a long way in keeping it moist.

you could also try buying some gum tex and making your own gumpaste as opposed to using the wilton mix, shortening will help moisturize the gumpaste and I use a plastic ball too so I don't think that's an issue.  Make your own gumpaste and see what happens.

PS try putting a little shortening on your palm and roll the ball tool in it to lightly coat it.  I prefer the metal tool.

@ Goreti - I'll be going out in a day or two and will be getting the ingredients for making my own fondant.

@ Cindy - As for the powdered sugar, I used just about a whole bag when I first mixed it all together. Shortening helps sometimes, and not others. I also get all my tools together first before unwrapping the paste. In any case I will continue to practice, and practice, and practice. I refuse to give up because they look so gorgeous.

@ Sherry - I hear a lot about this gum tex which is also on my long, long list of things I'm going to need. I also hear that making your own fondant/paste is really a whole lot cheaper overall. Thank all you wonderful ladies for your advice. Going to get those ingredients asap. Will let you guys know if I crash and burn again.

I used to use the Wilton brand and also had so much trouble with it. Once day while at the store where I buy my supplies, I over heard the clerk steer another customer over to a different brand, and I thought what the heck. Nothing ventured nothing gained, so I bought the brand the clerk was recommending to another customer so that I could give it a try, and I really really like it. It's made by CK products and the name was simply Gum Paste Mix. Maybe you just need to explore different brands. (Also, that shortening is a must in my book)

@ Linda - Thanks for the tip. Does this CK Gum Paste Mix come in a can or bag?

The one I have is a bag and you just mix water with it. Easy!

Dee said:

@ Linda - Thanks for the tip. Does this CK Gum Paste Mix come in a can or bag?

@ Linda - One more thing. Do I need to add fondant with the ck brand gum paste? Thanks in advance.

That is strictly up to you. Gum paste by itself dries hard as a brick, and for some things, that is exactly what I want, especially for some of my petals and when I make a handle for a basket cake, but half and half also dries pretty hard too. Half and half dries a little bit slower, and something made with all fondant takes the longest to dry and in my experience, does not make a good handle for a basket since it does not have the gum in it for that added strength. I don't think there is any exact formula one way or the other, but rather more up to each individual, and your preference will come by trial and error. Look at it like it were play dough and just have fun with it. Keeping your hands covered in shortening will keep it from drying out, and also, knead it into your dough if it seems too dry. If it has become so hard that you think you need to toss it out, first put it in the microwave for about 8 seconds and then knead in a little shortening. You can usually revive that fondant or gum past if it still has any softness left into it at all. And a must, is to keep it wrapped in plastic wrap, then placed in a ziplock bag. Keep working with just gets easier with experience, believe me.

Dee said:

@ Linda - One more thing. Do I need to add fondant with the ck brand gum paste? Thanks in advance.

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