Cake Decorating Community - Cakes We Bake

Hi all I need some help.  I need to make 1/4 sheet cake for a 50th birthday the lady wants her son's favorite football and basketball team some how on it. Any ideas on what I can do ? thanks diggmore

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Hi can use the color flow technique to create the teams logos and then stick them onto the cake....

here are some links:
Just made a soccer cake and used the small round ball pan and put the soccer ball in middle and it turned out great. I know for your cake however, they are wanting football and basketball. How about carving some small ones out of a heavier cake recipe (say pound cake) and putting those on top.
Denise is right about the LOGO infringements.... Down here in New Orleans we put Fluer de lies on everything and it doesn't mean it is for the Saints, even thought we love our SAINTS!!! I am sure you can find a way to do ir without getting into to much trouble. I did a cake with all sports balls on it. I used a dome pan for the basketball and an oval pan for the football, maybe you can put the balls on the cake and make it look 3D and put some sort of referrence to the teams on the balls. I can't wait until football season to use my Fluer de lies pan and yes I am putting WHO DAT on the cake (Who dat is a chant we use for our New Orleans Saints football team, and the NFL wanted to claim ownership of the term, it was a big deal during the weeks leading up the the Superbowl)

Good luck with the cake, can't wait to see what you do.
I know they are only trying to protect themselves from people who are selling unofficial merchandise and things. But it just seems like it should be more flattering to them that someone would want that on their cake then for it to be something to sue someone over. There are so many people who put there favorite teams on their cakes. I have seen cakes made of LSU stadium. I know a guy who's grooms cake was half a LSU half Clemson helmet and shoulders of a player (attended one worked for the other) Do you really think either team gave permission for that? How many bakers/decorators get permission for this? And if asked I wonder how many Teams/schools etc give the permission and what they charge, if they charge people. It is so crazy!
Thanks everyone for your help and ideas. Denise I well use some thing small for logos if I use. I have never try color flow but would like try. Meera the chico and is great. you'll got my mind working again (smile) sometimes it stops. I will let you know what I come up with. Thanks

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