Cake Decorating Community - Cakes We Bake

Newbie: Hi was wondering if anyone has ever tried Duffy's fondant available at Michaels??

Hi guys!

Thsi is my first time in this community...glad to be a part of it..

I have just enetered this crazy and obsessive cake decorating world and have been using Satin Ice rolled fondant for decorating but I got an email from and they announcned their new line of Duff (from Ace of Cakes) fondant and icing. has anyone ever used it??

Rumor has it that it is actually Fondarific who is the manufacturer but Duff is the label..Maybe you have used fondarific ....if yes.. how was it??

thanks again




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Have you tasted it, Mary? You mentioned it smells good, but does it taste good? I have to drive an hour to buy it at the closest Michael's and don't want to take the time if it isn't going to make my customers make yummy noises. :)
The thing is, you can get satin ice on line cheaper, inculding shipping, than Duff's fondant. I order 20 pound tubs of fondant at a time, so Duff's fondant would never be economical for me.
I agree Jeanne
The products are way too expensive for the quantity.

Jeanne said:
The thing is, you can get satin ice on line cheaper, inculding shipping, than Duff's fondant. I order 20 pound tubs of fondant at a time, so Duff's fondant would never be economical for me.
I have tasted it and it does tatse good. However, for me, Michaels is very close, so you have to weigh everthing. satin ice is hard for me to get in a pinch.

Eileen S said:
Have you tasted it, Mary? You mentioned it smells good, but does it taste good? I have to drive an hour to buy it at the closest Michael's and don't want to take the time if it isn't going to make my customers make yummy noises. :)
Hi Jeane,

I don't go through that much fondant. I have ordered Satin Ice from Global Sugar Art on line. The shipping is high but I've done it before. There is a place near me that sells Satin Ice but they have a $200 min. order requirement. Where do you get your Satin Ice online?

Jeanne said:
The thing is, you can get satin ice on line cheaper, inculding shipping, than Duff's fondant. I order 20 pound tubs of fondant at a time, so Duff's fondant would never be economical for me.
Thanks so much Mary..thats what I wanted to it workled for people who tried it...I agree i have made mmf from scratch and there are times when commercial fondant just goes better...glad to know that Duff's line is worth it...

mary bolger said:
Hi, I have used both Satin Ice and Chef Duff's fondant from Michaels. I don't have immediate access to Satin Ice- I need to drive 1/2 hr to get it. I really like Chef Duff's fondant from Michaels. If you use the coupon the 2lb tub costs $12. It can cover 2 8" rounds. It smells great and is very easy to repair. It's smooths easily and is a charm to work with- so is Satin Ice however. I have made marshmallow fondant for a few years- when it works for me it's wonderful but it'not always perfect. Sometimes it has small gelatinous specks in it- sometimes it has too many air bubbles in it from over kneading and sometimes it doesn't take color well for me. With my cake business becoming more busy I find I can't deal with the stress of unpredicatble fondant so I will be using commercially made fondant for the most part and am relieved that Michaels is carrying this new brand.
I use Satin Ice and get lots of compliment on it. The only time I use Wilton is for class cakes, when needed. They did mention, however, that they are changing their fondant to taste better. Every now and then I will mix the Satin Ice with a little Wilton, but for decoration purposes only. Time will tell with Wilton.
So, I went by Michael's this morning armed with a 40% off coupon. My intent was to purchase some of Duff's black fondant. When I got there I searched the aisle and found Duff's stuff. Picked up the tub of fondant and checked the price - $19.99!!!!! For 2 pounds!! You've got to be kidding me. Even with my 40% coupon it was $12 -- $6 per pound! I just couldn't do it. I make my own fondant - 5 lbs at a time - for about $5 total. I just couldn't pay $5 more per pound for the convenience of not having to blend black fondant.
Deah - I know! I buy Satin Ice and it comes out to about $5/lb if I can get it on sale. That's worth it to me not to have to blend it. But $19.99 for 2 lbs. is outrageous!

Deah Aldridge said:
So, I went by Michael's this morning armed with a 40% off coupon. My intent was to purchase some of Duff's black fondant. When I got there I searched the aisle and found Duff's stuff. Picked up the tub of fondant and checked the price - $19.99!!!!! For 2 pounds!! You've got to be kidding me. Even with my 40% coupon it was $12 -- $6 per pound! I just couldn't do it. I make my own fondant - 5 lbs at a time - for about $5 total. I just couldn't pay $5 more per pound for the convenience of not having to blend black fondant.
The dumptruck cake I made this week had Duff's Red fondant on it and the yellow was MMF. It really did taste good, it is buttercream flavored, and was really easy to work with. I also picked up the white just in case, and I will tell you it is NOT WHITE!! It is butter colored!!! I will only be buying it for red and black though if needed because of the price.
Being on the west coast, even with the cheapest Satin Ice price on the web, with shipping it still puts it at about $30 for 5lbs, so for me it IS worth it to go grab some Duff in a pinch.
Thanks Debra I have to agree with you certain colors you just have to buy ready made because I have reinjured my carpel tunnel just by trying to get the color right esp. black ay vey!
Look forward to reading about your book...please shoot me a link to it when you have it published:)

Debra J. Mosely said:
Ladies, I agree with all of your comments. I wrote an ezine article about Duff's new line of products and the competition Wilton is facing now because of it. I haven't tried Duff's fondant to see how it tastes or how easy it is to work with. The colors are vibrant, and I love that. I agree that Duff's products are expensive even with the 40% coupon. I believe you're paying for the convenience of going to your local Michael's store to purchase HIS fondant vs. ordering your fondant online. Wilton's fondant needs to be re-formulated to make it taste better. The price of the 5lb package with a coupon is great. They just need to get the flavor right and add more colors in the larger packages so people can purchase it. Maybe that's why Duff's line is exclusive to Michael's stores right now.

The easiest fondant I've ever worked with is Fondarific and luckily I found them before I finished working on my cake and cookie decorating book last year. The flavors available and the workability of it makes it great for beginners to use and works well for the sugar cookies I decorate. My students LOVE it. You can order it online or find it in some cake decorating stores. I also use Satin Ice. I love their vibrant colors. I would have carpal tunnel syndrome if I had to make that vibrant red, purple, yellow, green or black! Global Sugar Art seems to have the best price for me, and I order it from them.

Whether you use the MMF, Fondarific, Satin Ice, Wilton or any other brand of fondant out there, just make sure that you store it properly sealed. Some can even be frozen when you don't need it to keep it fresh.
That is exactly how I feel about Fondarific..the shipping is killing glad that Duff came out with a line at Michaels.
Thanks for your comment!

Holly Kasowski said:
The dumptruck cake I made this week had Duff's Red fondant on it and the yellow was MMF. It really did taste good, it is buttercream flavored, and was really easy to work with. I also picked up the white just in case, and I will tell you it is NOT WHITE!! It is butter colored!!! I will only be buying it for red and black though if needed because of the price.
Being on the west coast, even with the cheapest Satin Ice price on the web, with shipping it still puts it at about $30 for 5lbs, so for me it IS worth it to go grab some Duff in a pinch.

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