Cake Decorating Community - Cakes We Bake

Hello Everyone


My name is Samantha, and I have been decorating cakes for about a year and a half. I wanted to


know if anyone could give me any ideas, suggestions, etc about how to start my business. Or any


suggestions on how to just really maket myself. I stay in Chicago and want just be known. HELP!!!


Thanks to all who reply...


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I have been decorating cakes for 7 years for my family and friends but I did'nt make it a business (every one told me i should ) , so i just started my home business , and i allready have lots of custemeres because my friends and their friends and their families friends , my kids friends and their families , teacheres and their families ....get the idea -all have been marketing my cakes .
So free cakes and cupcakes to every one you know . get very good recipes for cake ( i use cake mix) filling ( i make it fresh &home made ) fruit fillings ( home made & fresh ) that's my secret , BC in evry flaver and practice them & master them .
Take advantage of every occasion , there is cake for every thing - 1st day of sckool , last day of sckool , sleepover,i did a (don with math exam cake )for my teenage dughter ......get the idea .
People eat wit their eyes first , so try to make your cakes as Beautifully as Possible & taest even better ( did you see my cupcakes in colorfull cupcake discussion)
get every magazine and book and vedio on cake decoration - u-tube is very helpfull
Don't forget all the Licenses you need to open a business
I hope i get every thing , hope other members can help you
Where would I find the information about the licenses I would need for my state?
You will find lots of useful information right here in this forum.

Also, if you look under "Event", Danay, is having another webinar on June 5. It costs $25 but it's well worth it. I got a lot of useful information from her.
Samantha I am in the same place as you. I am hasitant to get really started, but am pulling more and more towards doing it myself.

I guess I need to send a cake to school for the teachers. I think I just might have to do that next week....End of the School cake. Put my little logo on the box, a card in it.

I do know one thing... This site has been a great help. I have learned so much in the last week. I can't wait to get to use some of the things I have read on here. I am loving all the advise, the tips, and just knowing others have some of the same concerns, problems and questions I have.
Thank you everyone for all your infomation it is very helpful. Thanks

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