Cake Decorating Community - Cakes We Bake

I've been married for 17 years and a mother of 4 daughters.  We have traveled and lived around the world courtesy of the military as my hubby is a soldier.  I'm a SAHM, and I also homeschool 3 of my 4 because of medical reasons.

I just began my journey in the cake decorating life about a month ago.  I was wondering a few things one so far most of my cakes are copies of cakes I've found online and to learn certain skills I've replicated them.  Can I post pictures of those cake without offending the original poster, or would that be not cool.  I don't want to step on toes.  I love decorating cakes and when I ran out of people to give cakes away too I began making dummy cakes.  Considering turning it into a business, as I've already been asked several times to make cakes for special occasions.

Love this site!  I have not taken any classes yet, I was going to but there is so much information out there I just it up and usually figure it out!


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Almost all of us started out copying someone elses cake, technique or style, truly I don't think there is any technique that someone alive can claim they invented, so I say post away...certainly you can give credit if you want, but cakes aren't copy righted..and I would love to see your work!!!

Welcome to CWB, I know you will love it here.

Happy Caking
Jennifer, I agree with Sherry's response. I too am always looking at photos of cakes and watching all the shows on TV.

Wilton offers all their cake designs with directions and print options...(if you haven't already, go to the Wilton website for great ideas etc etc)....and so do many other cake obviously they expect you to duplicate their work. Copy Away!!! Then you will start to make them your own when you find your favorite technique or design. I am very new and still have a lot to learn but I am having lots of fun experimenting. Have fun and enjoy! Hope to see more your cakes on CWB!
I get inspirations from all over the place as do many of the cake decorators in the world! We inspire each other. I try to not copy a cake 100% but always suggest changes that will make it unique to them. Because I want their cake to be their own and not a copy of someone elses... but sometimes they want it the same as the picture regardless.... and is that not what bride magazines are for? To inspire and give ideas to the bride?

I have had people copy my cakes and I see it as a compliment. As long as someone is not copying a picture of someone elses cake and claiming it as their own you are fine. If you notice there a million versions of Pink Cake Box's cakes out there.... me included... I love her work! As long as it is YOUR work... you might just mention the original designer in your tag to thank them for the inspiration.... my only problem is that they bring a picture out of a magazine and I have no information about the original designer because that info is usually on the facing page and they don't bring that info so I don't always know who the original designer is.
Enjoy it and can't wait to see your reproductions!

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