Cake Decorating Community - Cakes We Bake

I just got an order for my first cake for a party for real-life clients.   I don't know where to begin.  They want 3 tiers, and big enough to feed 100 people.  Can anyone give me any suggestions on what I should charge for something like that?

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Thank you so much Sherry! That is a huge help!
Another thing to consider is the legalities of selling cakes in your state. Some states don't allow you to bake for the public from your home kitchen at all while others will allow it only after you go through inspections. Very few states have cottage food laws which don't require formal licensing, but you still must submit your recipes I believe. Some states are very strict and will only allow you to use a fully commercial kitchen.

I only say this so you don't get burned. =]

As far as how to price, Sherry gave you great advice. You need to know what you are putting into your cakes money-wise to know what you need to charge to get money out of caking. =]
Oh good... I was looking too. Sounds a lot like it is here in NH. =]

Sherry Qualls said:

I checked for you, Missouri allows home bakeries with some restrictions, here is the contact info for you


Check with your Local Health Dept
**Must do less than $10,000/yr in sales. Sales to direct customers only, no retail. Non-hazardous baked goods only.

If any of our Missouri members have further, more up to date info, let me know.

Thank you both for your help! I really appreciate it!
Would you mind if I make use of your matrix as well? I am forever forgetting something... particularly when comparing one project to another.
Thanks. Ann

Sherry Qualls said:

what shape tiers....round...square? each will give you different number of servings

As far as will need to know how much your cost is...right down to the last teaspoon of vanilla. Then you need to know what cakes are going for in your area and lastly the hard part is figuring out what your time and talent is worth to you!! cost? minimum wage? You need to have a price per serving, not a price per cake.
Also don't forget to factor in any supplies that you had to buy or use..structural supports, cake boards etc. Make sure you get a deposit for any supplies you expect to be returned and then there is the delivery charge...these are additional costs to the cake

Here is a costing matrix..I developed for can add and delete to fit your own needs

Hope this helps a little.

Happy Caking

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