Cake Decorating Community - Cakes We Bake

Was wondering should i charge family? Of course I do cakes free for my children and husband lol, but for aunts, uncles, nieces, nephews, best friends, etc should i charge what I charge others? 


Cause if I do them as a gift I get asked ALOT.....and it is hard to say no. But then I feel bad to charge them cause what if they can't afford it??? I charge 3.50 a serving and I only do fondant cakes!


So what do you do?



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Yes, you should charge family.  It costs you for ingredients and your time to make a cake no matter who you're making it for.  If they can't afford it, they shouldn't ask.  I give my friends and family a little bit of a price break but I make sure they know that the cake isn't free.  I'm currently unemployed and can't afford to be giving away free cakes.
So how much of a discount should I give?
I usually charge close to cost price to my closest friends and family, depending on what they actually want me to make. Not so close friends & family I charge a bit more, but still not full price (maybe cost + $30-$40). Im still starting out so my prices are pretty cheap anyway. It depends on what it is for also. I know if it is for a babies christening there are alot of other costs involved & I like to help out so I'd do it for cost. If its for a family B'day and they are just having a BBQ dinner at home, or everyone is bringing a plate,  I would charge more because their expenses are less. I like to help out but I have to worry about my own financial situation too.

At the end of the day you should charge whatever you are comfortable with. Don't feel obligated to do favors for everyone!

Thanks Laura! Thanks Kathy too! One time I told a family member I will give them a discount and charge them $2 a serving and they almost freaked out lol.....they said it was too much....REALLY??? my own family??? I have been doing cakes for a very long time now and my cakes are in my opinion above and beyond and $2 is dirt cheap that would maybe cover the fondant cost and thats it!
You are right Tanisha... I am fortunate my family is very respectful and never asks... but I am the sucker that always offers!!!  Usually a baby shower or whatever!!!  A couple years ago my nephew in law put in my wood floors (he is a contractor) and I baked all their kids (they have 4) birthday cakes that year and did big 3 tier over the top cakes for them all!!!  And we paid him some cash too because putting in the floors was wonderful!!!  I am always bartering!!!  Just don't get taken advantage of... it causes hard feelings.
One thing to keep in mind if giving a cake as a gift is...if you gave a present or cash, how much would it be worth?  If you would have given them a $20 gift and instead give them a $100 cake that really doesn't make sense unless you just like making cakes.  But then you wouldn't be charging them at all.  I don't charge but see lots of people's posts where they are giving price discounts to friends of friends, relatives of relatives, etc.  The discount line is soooo long.  I would say if you want to discount, go ahead.  If you don't discount, don't.  If they don't like your prices (with or without a discount) then they are welcome to get their cakes somewhere else.  I would give them a price, tell them what discount that includes (if any) and they can order or not.  I seem to read a lot of people that discount 10%.  I have also read a number of people's posts that if they offer the cake it is free and they can design it however they want.  If someone requests a cake, they pay like anyone else.
Tanisha, in my journey of doing cakes, I am working with a mentor and a buisness counselor and what I was told per someone else's above quote If you volunteer to do the cake its FREE...If someone ask you to do a cake they turn into a customer at that point (it business). I told my family...I have to pay duke energy what they ask for and Im using electricity to do your cake, I cant go into the store and put cake ingredients on the belt and ask the cashier to give me a discount I have to pay the price, I have to also use gas in my vehical to go to the stores and never the less I have to have a boxes and boards to put your cake on...I have to pay for Liability Insurance and I dont get a discount there either and the most valuable asset of all YOUR cant put a price on that but if you are asking its not FREE. Also remember if the walk in to a grocery stores bakery they are not going to ask for a discount they will pick and choose, pay for it and not say a word... Remember a business is for you to profit from not others...Just wanted to express on the topic***
hi.Wat I  do with my family is that they offer to buy all the items that I need for the cake.or I make the cake and dont give present.they Wat It takes to make a cake so they understand.but like someone repply I feel bad charging to someone close.
I just started doing cakes a little over  6 months ago. I started having so many people emailing, texting and facebooking me to make them a cake! I finally sent out a email and posted on my facebook (which includes family) that I had to start charging, that I put a lot of time into these cakes and I had to take my time, effort and money into account when making them. So I told everyone that if they inquired about me making them a cake that I would send them a pricing chart. I also said that it wasnt to offend anyone or to piss anyone off that I just had to realize that I am worth something!!! I was very surprised with how everyone reacted no one got mad not even family, they were all supportive! I hope that it all works out for you! This can be so hard when dealing with family!

That is a hard habit to break.

I used to do cakes as gifts and one step-daughter always said she needed 100 servings.

When it was time to serve, I would have to cut huge chunks as there would only be 25-30 guests.

Last year when she called (her Dad, I guess she was feeling like an idiot and was afraid to ask me) I told him to offer to buy a small cake or I would make 30 cuppies.

Her choice.

She finally got off her b*** and made her kids a bday cake.

As it should be, IMHO.





Thats too funny mimi!!! Yeah everyone even friends expect me to make these beautiful labor intensive cakes for free or little to nothing and i just can't afford it. Right now I just told everyone I am not doing cakes at home anymore just at the bakery. People stopped asking lol.....I would rather have no cakes than to have tons of cakes and not make anything anyway. When I offer I don't expect them to pay but I usually only offer cupcakes or cookies now. I don't offer cakes anymore! Oh and when I offer I choose the design....they don't ;). Cause its a gift I figured I would be picking out their gift so if I am doing something for free I would like to do something that I want to do and not something they want me to do! :)


Thanks everyone for your input! :) It helps!

mimi lemaster said:

That is a hard habit to break.

I used to do cakes as gifts and one step-daughter always said she needed 100 servings.

When it was time to serve, I would have to cut huge chunks as there would only be 25-30 guests.

Last year when she called (her Dad, I guess she was feeling like an idiot and was afraid to ask me) I told him to offer to buy a small cake or I would make 30 cuppies.

Her choice.

She finally got off her b*** and made her kids a bday cake.

As it should be, IMHO.





Good for you Tanisha!

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