Cake Decorating Community - Cakes We Bake

Hi All,


As you know we Caribbean Cakers really enjoy things with good flavours!  If any of you are interested in sharing any recipes, feel free to do it here :).  Feel free to include filling and icing recipes as well!

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The mixed fruit is the one that has the cherries, peel, pineapple etc all candied and chopped up. I plan to use just a couple tablespoons of the peel. Mincemeat is like what the English use for their minced pies and fruit cakes. It's apples, apricots, raisins and mixed spices that have all been cooked down together. My mom swears by adding this to the fruit after steaming to give it a little extra oomph (that was all i could get out of her!). Yeah I'll probably use more dates than prunes, and I really don't like raisins :( so I figure the currants will be a nice replacement and there will be a little raisins in there from the mincemeat. I LOVE RIBENA! So I thought it would give the cake a nice sweet taste. After I bake it, if it comes out good, I will have to send you some as a thank you!

Teneisha Williams said:
I know what you mean Faith...been there...

1. I add the jam after I add the fruits
2. I don't know what is in mixed fruit nor do I know what mince meat is...
3. No raisins? gotta put some raisins in...:)
4. I would say go easy with the mixed peel...I don't use it all...there's something about it that I just don't makes the fruit cake taste too much like easter bun...
5. Omitting the rum is fine...I use just a tiny amount...may be very
6. I don't add too much prunes...because of it's
7. When I make the 1lb batter and I want to get as many cakes as possible I normally add an additional cup of flour and 2tsps baking powder...this yields 2 8" and 2 6"

I wish I could taste the cake with the ribena and black currant jam...:)


Faith Gealey-Brown said:
Hey Teneisha,

Okay so I'm so terrible, I haven't steamed my fruits yet. I have 2 more questions!

The cup of jam - where does that go? In the fruits when you are steaming them?

How many cakes does this matter yield?

I got my fruits (prunes, dates, cherries, currants, mixed fruit, mixed peel, and mincemeat (which I will probably add after the fruit have been steamed so it doesn't get too mushy)), brandy, red label wine (not a fan of rum in fruit cakes so going to just do the wine and brandy), ribena (for the juice :)) and blackcurrant jam on standby - waiting for your input! Thanks soo much for your help!
Hey Teneisha,

Forgot to ask - did you do the red velvet this weekend? How did it come out?

I am so posting your guinness cupcake recipe on here tomorrow! I CANNOT wait to try that recipe either!
I sure hope the fruit cake comes out good!!!!..:)

I made the red velvet cake...but as the professional procrastinator that I am..I didn't make the test cake...I made it though and gave it to a client...I am expecting feedback today...the red colour freaked me out...that's like a whole lot of food colouring...I knew I had a reason for not eating that colour is pretty but

Thanks for the tutorial on mincemeat and mixed fruits...:)...I don't think we get mincemeat here...will check it out...

Faith Gealey-Brown said:
Hey Teneisha,

Forgot to ask - did you do the red velvet this weekend? How did it come out?
Yes the amount of red dye is really alarming, but you get used to it. I came across a
"pink velvet" cake recipe, which I plan to test out on my husband with some raspberry cream filling. If it comes out good, I'll be posting the recipe on here! It's a variation of the red velvet, using melted white chocolate instead of the cocoa powder, and using an1/8-1/4 tsp of pink gel food coloring (instead of 1/4 cup of liquid red food colouring :).
Okay so I just finished steaming my fruits, and got them cooling! This is a combination of: raisins, currants, prunes, dates, mixed peel, candied fruit (peel/pineapple/cherries), and mincemeat, and is just under 2lbs of fruit. I steamed it with half a cup of brandy, a cup of red label wine, and 3 cups of ribena. I added a small jar of blackcurrant jam at the end, which helped to darken and sweeten it up..cuz it was smelling REAL tipsy for a while! I'm letting it cool now, before I add it to the tupperwear to be sealed up for a couple of weeks so it can marinate! I really hope this comes out good, I'm so nervous! I feel like fruitcake and cheesecake are the last two frontiers in caking! LOL.

Did u blend them..they look blended...but I guess not yet cuz they are hot!...good going...I am so rooting for you!!!

I swear cheesecake is easier...I love making it...I get great reviews...:)

Here are pics of some prepared fruits that I have...the first is with light and the other is the actual is slightly blended...i had red label wine floating on top of the mixed it in just now...but will put another float on a lil brandy..:)

I love mine most of it will bake off...and leave the flavours behind...whenever you have fruit cake that is extra alcohol is added after baking...

Faith Gealey-Brown said:
Okay so I just finished steaming my fruits, and got them cooling! This is a combination of: raisins, currants, prunes, dates, mixed peel, candied fruit (peel/pineapple/cherries), and mincemeat, and is just under 2lbs of fruit. I steamed it with half a cup of brandy, a cup of red label wine, and 3 cups of ribena. I added a small jar of blackcurrant jam at the end, which helped to darken and sweeten it up..cuz it was smelling REAL tipsy for a while! I'm letting it cool now, before I add it to the tupperwear to be sealed up for a couple of weeks so it can marinate! I really hope this comes out good, I'm so nervous! I feel like fruitcake and cheesecake are the last two frontiers in caking! LOL.

Hi Teneisha! Sorry for taking so long to respond! I don't have a grinder - my mom has an amazing (vintage but awesome all the same!) hand grinder specifically for fruit what I did was actually mince all of the fruits by hand, before steaming....the result was a blended look :). It was a little extra work but after it steamed, I just put it in my airtight container in a dark cool corner! I'm so tempted to bake with it right away! But I promised myself to wait at least 2 weeks before giving it a try! I weighed the container before and after the weighs out to be 5lbs! I didn't realize it yielded so much...I'm so excited - definitely going to be blogging about this experience :).
Any feedback on the red velvet? I know its still a pretty new cake flavour for us islanders but it's really yummy with some cream cheese frosting :). I'm trying out a Pink Velvet recipe next weekend and if I get good raves, I'll be sure to post it!
Ok cool...they did look "blended"...:)...I"m so excited for you...

The feedback on the red velvet was that it was ok but not like the ones he gets in New York..(like wonder if they use sour cream in it...I don't know...the lil crumb that I had with the cream cheese filling was good...will test it with some cream cheese and oil instead of butter...and try the 1/2 cup cocoa powder...:)

Faith Gealey-Brown said:
Any feedback on the red velvet? I know its still a pretty new cake flavour for us islanders but it's really yummy with some cream cheese frosting :). I'm trying out a Pink Velvet recipe next weekend and if I get good raves, I'll be sure to post it!
Well I can't speak for the Red Velvets in New York - I guess its all a matter of taste! At least you have a base recipe so feel free to mess around with it as you like. Red Velvet is definitely a "Southern" US dish, and I figure if my South Carolinean Hubby likes it, its good enough for me :). LOL. I've never heard of sour cream in a red velvet - may look into that!
Hi Faith

Do you have a buttercream icing recipe that you can give me. The one you use when covering your cakes and even what you use before placing your fondant over your cakes (not sure if it is the same recipe)
I made a fondant cake over the weekend and the buttercream was all soft and runny/messy and I did not get a smooth finish. When the fondant was placed over the cake it I did not get a smooth finish either. I remember you said that buttercream needs to crust before being smoothed with a paper towel or fondant smoother. Any suggestions, tips, tricks etc will help.



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