Cake Decorating Community - Cakes We Bake

A couple of weeks ago my doctor said I have diabetes, and has me on a no carb diet.  He is hoping that with the diet I wont need medicine.  I am trying so hard to do this.  I am doing really good, and never reach the aloted 60g of carbs I can have.  But it was so hard not to have a piece of my daughters birthday cake, or one of the 4 doz cupcakes I baked, I love the cake part..... I want to make pumpkin cake, bread and cookie, from the club page, but I can't eat any of it.


I love baking, and decorating, and really want to learn more.  This is so hard, because I want to lick the spoon when I am done mixing my batter..... I hate to think about never being able to eat a piece of cake again.


I am sure there are things I can do for treats for myself, but the no carb thing is hard when most cake is made with flour and sugar.  Is there a subsitute for flour?? I know splenda is used for baking and there are other things to use.  I would never do it for other peoples cake I make, just something for me..... And a few of the poeple in my family who also need to watch their health.


If you guys have any suggestions or recipes that you have tried and are not to bad, please pass them on.... I know others have issues they deal with, and they have inspired me when I have read about them, so I know you guys will help me.



Wants a piece of cake!!!!!


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That is fabulous news! I hope your blood work-up comes back as positive as your first month of getting healthier! Grand Job!!!! You have a fan club!

Gretchen Belsome said:
Jeri, I just saw something about the Eat Clean diet and I couldn't get into the website yesterday. I will try again. Thanks for all of ya'll encouragement. It has been hard, but I went to the doctor today and in one month I lost 9 pounds. I will get my blood work results tomorrow and he is very confident that that will look good too!
I got the Eat Clean books from Amazon... have the book, the cook book, the journal and the workout book. Got the Eating Clean for Men book for hubby too. The information in the main book is enough to get you going. I got them all because of the free shipping deal on Amazon. And remember... exercise will lower your blood sugar too!!! Sounds like you are off to a good start!

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