Cake Decorating Community - Cakes We Bake

Microwave 7 minute frosting:

1 and 1/2 cups granulated sugar
1/4 teaspoon cream of tartar
6 Tablespoons water
3 egg whites
In 1 quart microwave safe pot, combine sugar, cream of tartar and water.
Stir. Cook on high in microwave for 2 min. Stir. Cook 3 to 6 more min.
until syrup spins a thread from a spoon 6 to 8 ".
In mixer, beat egg whites on high to form soft peaks.
With mixer on high, slowly add syrup to egg whites. Beat WELL.
Cool and frost cake.

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is this like a sort of meringuey thing Betty?

sort of...except that it taste better. Some recipes call it "fluffy white frosting".Works great when using coconut, makes it stick.

This must be very light.  Yumm  Will have to try

better than meringue?  wow, must be good lol

Thanks, Betty!  I will give this a try soon because 7 minute frosting is my favorite, especially with coconut.  

This is similar to Italian Meringue Butter cream but without the butter.

Not like what you put on a lemon pie.

Betty said:

sort of...except that it taste better. Some recipes call it "fluffy white frosting".Works great when using coconut, makes it stick.

righty right Betty.  Guess the only way to find out properly is to make it!  It does sound good and pretty easy to do.

I remember my Mom making this all the time Betty. I can see her with a bowl over a pot of simmering water on the stove, electric mixer in hand. So much easier using the micro...gonna have to try it. Thanks for posting...  :o)

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