Cake Decorating Community - Cakes We Bake

Over Christmas when it was very humid and hot I made some Christmas Cakes and was upset to see the Marzipan going runny and melting from underneath the fondant icing.  I thought it was the heat.  Now it is winter and I recently created a fruit cake and the same thing is happening, not so badly, but the Marzipan is melting/going soggy underneath the fondant icing.

Why is this happening, how can I stop it?


Is it becuase I used Apricot Jam to stick it on?  Or the Alchol that I pour on the cake after baking.


Any advice would be greatly appreciated.


Thank you!



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Hi there,

I came across this site purely by chance whilst trying to find the answer to exactly the same problem, which I have never encountered, until recently.

I made an extremely moist fruit cake, made so by the fruit which had been steeped in a large amount of liqueur and the cake was also been "fed" after baking.

I brushed the cake with sieved apricot jam and covered with marzipan, before covering with sugarpaste, all of which I would normally do for a celebration fruit cake.

I can only think that the amount of alcohol and the extreme moistness seeped through and melted the marzipan. It has never before happened when I have made a traditional fruit cake( with less alcohol) for Christmas and other occasions.

I, too, would be very grateful if anyone could give some insight into why they think this happened.

Many thanks,


Hello ladies.  I have made countless numbers of cakes using exactly the same principle as you have and never, ever had a problem with my marzipan.  Admittedly, I live in England and so don't have the problems of excessive heat ( obviously haha!).  The steeping of the cake in alcohol is normal and brushing with apricot glaze before marzipan is exactly the right thing to do.

The only thing I can think that may be causing this is that you are not leaving your marzipan to dry for long enough before you are covering in fondant.  In this country it's not quite so important as it dries quite quickly anyway.  But if you are putting fondant over marzipan that is still sticky, I can imagine the fondant may cause it to sag.  I suggest you leave your cake for at least 2 days after marzipanning, somewhere as cool and dry as possible, before adding your fondant.  You should be able to rub your hand over it and have it glide easily across the surface.  If it still feels tacky, leave it longer.

I hope this helps and will be interested to see if any other members come up with other ideas.

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