Cake Decorating Community - Cakes We Bake

Hi all,

I've made a stiletto shoe and I'm really not happy with the look of the stiletto, so I was thinking of covering it with silver glitter to hide some of the poor finish.  Any suggestions as the best way to go about it without covering the rest of the shoe in unwanted glitter?

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Hmm, do you think you would be able to apply it with a paint brush?

Hey Katy
If you zoom the shoe I made for Sam, you will notice "glitter" on the sole of the shoe. That was from a cheap glitter ribbon I bought at the $1/£ store. I took a paintbrush, and spread water VERY sparingly on the sole, then I scrunched the ribbon over top and let the sparkles land on the sole. The other solution I could think of is put your sparkles in a small container of some sort, something with small round cylindrical opening. Put a scant amount of sparkles in the container, covet with cling film. Wrap cling film on container with a rubber band. Poke very small holes in the cling film to control how much of the sparkles come out.
I tried using my fingers to sprinkle my disco dust.... and it went everywhere.
Hope this helps. :o)

I think you need a small paint brush then use your glitter with vodka or lemon extract. To make it more glittery you can use edible luster dust or disco dust.

Thank you all for your input.  I think I might experiment on an old gumpaste flower or something first, to see how accurate I can be.

The thing with the paintbrush is, I seem to remember trying that once before and the glitter just stuck to the brush, not what I was trying to coat!  

Some experimenting today I think!

Katy, I've been trying to find some information for you and came across this tutorial where she used disco dust on just a small portion of the butterfly

Goreti, that is so sweet of you to take the time and trouble for me.  I still haven't worked up the courage to touch the damn shoe today!  Mick keeps saying -'leave well alone and quit while you're ahead.  You'll only **** it up if you do any more'

For once in my life, I am starting to lean towards listening to his advice................the rest of the shoe doesn't look too bad this morning!

Well Katy
Mick may very well be right. After what you have been through, I might just leave it be. Speaking of boo boos. I went in my spare room to get something & noticed my little owl has a big crack. That's never happened before. Think I'm just going to add thin little blue circles to cover the damage. Don't feel like making another one... at least not at this present moment. :o)

Oh no June - couldn't you just SPIT!  Why are these things sent to try us?

On another note - it is my grandson Jose's birthday on Friday and family do on Sunday.  So I am making his cake of course - No.1  grandson and the apple of my eye.....  I told his Mum it wouldn't be anything very fancy as I wouldn't have time due to the shoe thing (which is for her partner's daughter).  So I tried to think of something easy to do but with a theme and came up with Game of Thrones, which is one of his favourite books/programmes.  I decided to try to make the sigil of one of the main families this afternoon.  Guess what?  Perfectly straightforward, easy as pie and looks great!  How does that happen? lol

Ha Ha Katy
Funny, some days all goes well, others..... well, with your shoe problems.... enough said. I made that owl in about a hour.... bang, bang. But I'm pretty sure it is a quick fix. Glad you were able to have time to make your grandsons cake & accompaniment. Even tho I don't have the foggiest notion what it is..... :o)

Sometimes Katy that is just the way it is.  I think it's just to give us a confidence boost that things go smoothly every once in awhile.  Then the next time "POW" and everything goes wrong.

I think you're right Goreti.  Just when you're on the verge of throwing in the towel, you get a boost.  I've even managed to crumb coat the shoe box with sharp corners and almost smooth finish!  Let's not get too cocky though, I'm sure things will go pear shaped again tomorrow!

Now Now
Everything will be fine tomorrow...... think positive.... positive....... positive....... :o)

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