Cake Decorating Community - Cakes We Bake

  • Mornings are so lovely. I'm sitting here listening to all the birds going crazy and feeding in the bottlebrush and grevillea; there's the slow ticking of the wall clock and the kids are all still in bed so no tv or sounds of fighting - school holidays gotta love em - and all is right with the world, despite the fact that summer is sulking around the corner.

    Since I've come back to cake decorating, I have come to dislike summer with it's high humidity and it's hot devil may care attitude to my fondant. It sashays into my life at the most inopportune times, wearing short skirts, too much makeup and full of rebellion; wreaks it's havoc and makes life difficult and STILL expects you to love it!

    Why can't you be more like your sister, winter?! She's so much more fun, helpful, considerate and treats my fondant with due care and attention and never makes my white chocolate ganache gooey or my gumpaste figures sag.
    Do you hear me SUMMER?! AND TURN THAT MUSIC DOWN!!

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lol Bettina.  We rarely have that problem with Summer here.  Why don't you tell her to just emigrate full time to the UK?  I'll take her.

Oh Katy, if only I could. Although I do recall a bloody hot summer the year I was in the UK in 1988! As an Aussie, I was shocked and unprepared for it! Who knew York could be so hot and uncomfortable? Maybe I could send her on a 'gap year' or something? LOL
We have already had a few bush fires here and summer hasn't really started properly, so I'm hoping we don't all go up in flames. The Australian bush is designed by nature to burn every few years. Some seeds from native trees won't germinate unless they are exposed either to extreme heat or smoke! To help control the incidence of bushfires, especially around populated areas, they used to do controled burns every few years. This removed the fuel load that builds up naturally from the branches and leaves the trees drop as they grow and dead grasses. Within a few weeks new growth starts and the cycle starts again. These controlled burns aren't as hot as a fire that has years of fuel to consume and so don't tend to kill mature trees. 
Years back the bleeding hearts decided that burnt bush in summer looked ugly so they put a stop to it. In the past 17yrs we have had horrendous bush fires that have burned so hot they have killed kilometers of mature trees in national parks and forests, not to mention the devastation it wreaked on the wildlife and humans.
I keep looking over my shoulder at the bush covered hills around the valley in which I live, and try to remember the last time they burned....I have a nasty feeling it was sometime in the late 80's. Imagine how much fuel is out there!! Brrrrr.
Not to mention that the heat and ash would play havoc with my nice white icing! LOL

Katy Nott said:

lol Bettina.  We rarely have that problem with Summer here.  Why don't you tell her to just emigrate full time to the UK?  I'll take her.

Wow Bettina, that actually sounds a bit scary.  Why do humans have to interfere with nature all the time and what makes them think they know better?  It always comes back to bite us in the end.  Stay safe, stay cool and keep that icing white..........

I am glad our summer is over. It broke records this year for heat & humidity. We are into fall, and it is a glorious day today. Only annoying thing is those darn yellow jackets, buzzing around your coffe cup. They are so dozy now, there easy to smack without getting stung. I hope the weather co-operates for you. :0)

Yellow jackets?  Bees? Wasps?

I don't know what category yellow jackets are in...  not a wasp, think it is a type of bee. They come out end of August, and are just plain darn annoying come early fall. Any food, especially sweet, there all over it

I'm also happy to see the summer gone! The heat and humidity were awfully rude to my cakes too.....where are the manners?? Enjoying fall and actually looking forward to cold weather. Crazy? Not really.....I like getting my "3 car walk in refrigerator" back for cooling cakes - works AWESOME!!

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