Cake Decorating Community - Cakes We Bake

it took me 5 hours to make these. I'm practicing for a cake I need to make for June 24. I know these characters still need improvement. Had no idea it was hard, since this is my first time molding characters. But at least I've made another step toward learning. :)

Showed this to my husband, and his reaction...

*long moment of silence (approximately 3 minutes)*
then he says, "Is that a lobster or a crab?"

I wanted to smack him in the head. lol

bottom pan is 10" and top 5"

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Comment by Linda Wolff on June 4, 2012 at 11:00am

now how did I miss these little cuties?? They must have been posted while I was out yesterday. They are adorable! What brand name of pans are those, Shaira? They look really heavy/duty. I wouldn't mind having a set of those.

Comment by shaira on June 4, 2012 at 10:49am

but of course. lol but they love us anyway. haha

Comment by June Kowalczyk on June 4, 2012 at 10:41am
Us women folk.....we can be vengeful!!!! He! He!
Comment by shaira on June 4, 2012 at 10:28am

OMG gail, i totally agree! MOST days, i let him get away with the "macho" thing. but sometimes, i do like to return the favor and rub things on his face. hehe (done with lotsa loooovvvveee)

Comment by art deco cakes by galidink on June 4, 2012 at 10:27am

oppps.!!! seeing > them > i mean that in a clean way >

Comment by art deco cakes by galidink on June 4, 2012 at 10:25am

you know he most likely messing with you ! he likes to see that look on your face , men get off on see us make them face's in a clean way , but men live for getting under our skin , makes the feel they got one on use ! and you know a man can't let that woman be better than him ,

Comment by shaira on June 4, 2012 at 10:24am

June, absolutely funny! hahahahah I guess that's just how men are generally. complicated creatures. lol i think most men are just very technical. my husband is the same way, he complains about the mess i end up making whenever i bake. we have a very small house, and an extremely small kitchen. so my baking stuff end up everywhere. lol when he comes home from work (sometimes at around 1 a.m.) and he catches me still baking, sweeping and washing my baking stuff, he oftentimes helps me.. i really appreciate his gesture. although sometimes when he cooks lunch or dinner for us, I take my "revenge".. when he asks how the food was, i'll say "It's ok. Although mine's better. It could use a bit more seasoning." lol

Comment by June Kowalczyk on June 4, 2012 at 10:06am
I think all of us, with exception of Linda, have husbands that "DON'T GET IT"!!!!! Linda's hubby has a leather works hobby & unless they have a hobby, they just don't understand. There has been many a cake where my hubby has almost been "beheaded!!". I don't mind criticism, but geez, at a appropriate time!! Not on the way to the set up.... Saying, well it's not your best effort, or, personally I think you made your fondant too thick..... You fill in the blanks!!! SOooooo irritating!! GRrrr. He means well, and I know he is a good handyman, but he hasn't a clue about how to execute cake making/decorating. After he slaved away at our Reno's, I wonder how he would have felt if I said.....Hmmm, not your best effort, you could have done a better job...blah, blah. Well
I didn't & wouldn't because of all the effort he put forth. Did he make mistakes, of course. He switched 2 kit cabinets, & once they were secured to the wall, what was I suppose to say.....Hey, dummy, can't you read the plans?, take that sucker down & put it where it belongs!! Ah, nope. I knew felt bad about it, so why rub salt in the wound?? I just said, oh well, no one will know it wasn't suppose to be like this. Doesn't matter.
I must say, since I started decorating more in the last 6 yrs, he has gotten more sensitive to my feelings. Less abrasive in his critique. He still HATES the mess, think he would like me to snap my fingers and...Wallah...cake is done, no fuss, no mess. He still HATES that I freak out when doing decorating/set up. He still HATES that I spend so much time on CWB....the web looking...reading....researching!! Funny thing tho, when I do a cake for a family function, like my nephew's wedding 3 wks ago, he puffs his chest out, and tells everybody.....My wife made that!! Go figure??? So in there own funny way, they are proud in what we do, they just show it in a different way. They are funny creatures, eh??
Comment by shaira on June 4, 2012 at 12:15am

thank you gail, june and goreti! :)

Gail, I used some water and tooth picks AND LOTS OF PATIENCE (hehe) to glue them together. really had a tough time molding the face and the hair.

June, THANK YOU! hahahha I've thought of letting him sleep in the garage for that. lol I didn't speak to him for 15 minutes during dinner. hahah but then he suddenly seemed sweet and put food on my plate, asking 'Baby is everything ok?' lmao

Goreti, that was exactly what I was thinking! Come to think of it, he doesn't really have much of an appreciation toward my "art".. lol I'm a part-time artist (but haven't held a brush in a year) and I don't usually get the reaction I'm looking for when I show my paintings to him. lol I think we see things differently or we have different taste. Other people would be like, "Wow, that's awesome. I love it!" and he would be like, "Um, it's ok." He's a man of a few words. Still getting used to it. lol I'd give him a nasty look and he ends up buying me food that I want on a particular day. lol That saves him from sleeping on the couch. hahaha

MEN. sheeesh.

Comment by Goreti on June 3, 2012 at 8:50pm

Just wondering is your husband still among the living?  Let him try to do one.  hmm men My husband had something to say about the horse I did for my great-niece's cake.  According to him, I didn't position the legs right.  Yeah you try to do it buddy.  Can't even draw a stick figure.  I think you did a wonderful job.

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