Whilst routing through some old photos the other day, I came across some pictures of very early cakes that I had made. Just for fun, I thought I would share.
This was my Wedding Cake, that my Mum made in 1981. Rubbish picture of the cake, which was spectacular (especially in those days), but I just had to share the photo of the boys with you. On the left is my brother, Oz and on the right is my future husband, Mick. They thought it was all a huge caper. Get those hairstyles!!!!!!!
Thank you Anne - my Mum could really do cakes in her heyday. It was rich fruit cake, marzipanned and then royal icing. She always coating in royal icing too (no fondant then!). Usually about 3 layers, 2 very thin then 'sanded' down. Last layer a bit thicker and oh so patiently smoothed and smoothed with a large palette knife dipped in hot water.
That is a lovely cake Katy, was it marzipan or butter cream.
AHhhh to bad about the photos. :o(
Yes June - shame about the picture of the cake. I don't think I have a better one anywhere. The Wedding Photographer messed up and dropped a roll of film, so we really struggled to find good pictures for the album.
Love the cake Katy.... would love to have seen a close up. And your right..... the hair OMG... Toooooo
funny.... hee hee :o)
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