Cake Decorating Community - Cakes We Bake

For the first time, I decided to make a birthday cake for myself. Let's just say it was not my biggest success. Kitchen was way to warm. Not a good idea to try the upside method of trimming the fondant to get a crisp top & neat bottom. I made a real mess of it and had to work so hard to get it to look decent. Not the best work but it is what it is.

Views: 67

Comment by Goreti on July 13, 2014 at 4:19am

Bonnie, we think alike then.  I refuse to pay full price for anything (at least when it's for me).  Macy's had there 75-85% off sale.  I couldn't pass it up.  lol

Comment by Bonnie Willey on July 12, 2014 at 10:12pm

Remember the clothes I donated?  I think I kept 4 pr. of boots, a dozen sandals, probably about 30 pr. of shoes, and several dozen belts.  Sounds like a lot, until you divide it by the number of years it has taken me to collect them. lol   Not even 1 pr. of shoes a yr.!  And I never pay full price for anything.  My hubby says that I make them cry, when they see me coming! lol  Say there is a $100 dollar dress.  Marked down to $50, then on the 75% off rack, so down to $12.50.  Then I get it on Tuesday to get the 55+ discount of 20% more, so I pay $10.  That is how I shop, I don't mind if it is the end of the model yr., so what!  I am not rich, but I am not poor, I just like a bargain!  I have had many more compliments on clothes that have been around awhile, than on the newer ones.  I take good care of my clothes.  For me, it is pebbles, the only place in our town to get clothes, besides Walmart!   I used to love shopping Macy's in Salisbury, but they closed.  

Comment by Goreti on July 12, 2014 at 9:36pm

You are right about the shoes.  Such a pretty pair of light pink shoes, no purse but a new dress.  Like I needed another.  I need to stay out of Macy's.  I can't resist.

Comment by Bonnie Willey on July 12, 2014 at 9:35pm

A new pair of shoes, and a belt.  To go with the new purse, of course!! lol

Comment by Goreti on July 12, 2014 at 9:09pm

Oh boy Bonnie, sounds like you have the right idea.  I wouldn't know what to do without my purse.  The few times I went out without one, I felt like something was missing.  Didn't know what to do with my arm since I either carry it on my arm or on my shoulder with my hand on the handle.  Guess what I got today.  

Comment by Bonnie Willey on July 12, 2014 at 4:28pm

You sound like my mother!  Purse, shoes, & belt to match!  No purse, & I am used to it now.  Never wear makeup anyway, so don't need one for that.  Hair is too short to need a comb.  Drivers license, folding money, credit cards, check book, & mini picture album, which runs on batteries, all fit nicely into the fanny pack.   That is what I keep pics of my cakes on, just in case I get a chance to show off & brag a little.  lol  Then there is a zipper compartment on the front for the change.  Has a pocket for keys on one side, and a pocket for misc. items on the other.  That is where I keep my extra car keys, 2 sets, nail clippers, sm. screw driver set, sm. knife set, sm. nail file, sm. 3' tape measure, & a USB drive with pics & things on it.

And I never accidentally set it down, drive through 4 states, then find out I no longer have it.  Works for me!  If I am going to church or such, I just put my money & keys in my pocket, the fanny pack under the car seat, lock the doors, and it all works out just fine. 

The first time I left it, I was only about an hours drive away, was able to go back & find it, minus the money, of course, but the travelers checks & credit cards were still there.  Next I left it in a restaurant in Oregon, & did not miss it till I was in San Francisco.  I remembered the name of the restaurant, called them, and they overnighted it to me.  I told them to take it out of the money, and they said there was no money!   Lost about a thousand dollars on that one.  I had just cashed a thousand dollars worth of Travelers Checks!   Had to call hubby & confess to that one.  So... no more hand held purses for me!

Comment by Goreti on July 12, 2014 at 1:27pm

Thank you Bonnie & Luz.  Bonnie, I can't believe that you don't own a purse.  Would you believe I have a royal blue trimmed in black, black, brown, 2 red ones (one was a gift from my daughter), olive green, yellow etc etc etc  I think you get the picture and we won't even get to shoes.

Comment by Luz Iglesias on July 12, 2014 at 10:32am

Goreti this is so so beautiful!

Comment by Bonnie Willey on July 6, 2014 at 9:49pm

You do look swank!  And feminine!  And oh so cute!  Bet you have a dress just like that too.  Red, white, & blue, very patriotic here.XXX ('-')

I have a lot of shoes, but I don't even own a purse!  I use a fanny pack, or put it in my pocket.  I took Mom around the country to see all her friends & relatives, before they all had a chance to die off on her, left my purse behind 2 times, lost a lot of money that way, so quit using one. lol

Comment by Goreti on July 5, 2014 at 11:23am

Thanks Sandra.  I love dressing up (and will even go grocery shopping in heels sometimes).  I'm into shoes & purses.

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