thats great for your first cake, I was just looking back myself on my own first cake and how far I have come. It's a good feeling! CANT WAIT TO SEE YOUR FUTURE CAKES!
Check out the video by Edna De La Cruz on how to get a smooth buttercream - I learned from that video. There is also another video here on the site by seriouscakes, who is another awesome baker and her videos are also very good!
question 1: does d paper towel trick work with royal icing?
question 2: how dry does it have to be to rub against, cause i waited until i thought it was pretty firm but the wax paper crumpled it
I use the viva paper towel method. I've also seen people use it with very very soft cloths. There are also some people on the site who recommend using 4 inch foam rollers. They say it works wonders! The important thing to note before you use the roller or the paper towel to smooth it is that you need to make sure you are using icing that will "crust". Otherwise, I would just use a warm spatula or scraper and lightly go over the sides in smooth, sweeping motions.
Hey Kim....have you tried the paper towel method of smoothing butter cream? Or you can use wax or parchment paper. simply get the icing as smooth as you can...then with your hand or a fondant smoother...gently press the paper of your choice against the sides of the cake use a motion (perhaps side to side) that will smooth the can go on you tube or check the videos on this site to see how it is done...paper towel with designs will leave the design on the Icing...Viva paper towel has no if you can get that it would be great..other wise use the wax or parchment.
Thanks guyss....but that joy was shortlived as i tried to do an icing only cake last night and all now i cant get the icing smooth!! trust me it is highly fustrating
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