Cake Decorating Community - Cakes We Bake

The basket was done in royal icing as this is a dummy cake. Grapes, plums, cherry tomatoes, garlic, cucumber, tablecloth and peppers are all made from fondant. The apple, peach, potatoes, corn, and carrots are formed rice krispy treats and then covered with fondant. Basket handle is made from gum paste. The filler 'straw' packing material is made from fondant that I forced through an extruder. It looked like whole wheat spaghetti until it dried and I broke it up into smaller pieces. I also used some of the faux straw for the end of the garlic. The wood for the table top was 5 different colors of fondant (white, tan, yellow, pumpkin orange and black) that I rolled into long ropes and then rolled it out and stained it with Ever-clear and chocolate brown petal dust. Everything was shaded with petal dust.

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Comment by art deco cakes by galidink on October 16, 2012 at 5:58pm


Comment by June Kowalczyk on October 16, 2012 at 5:35pm
I can share it. Gave the recipe to Linda last year. Give me a day to get my hands on it & I can email it to you. :0)
Comment by art deco cakes by galidink on October 16, 2012 at 5:26pm

well now ! idont care i'l eat the whole thing ! lol , 2 more lb's oh well,lol anyway ! hey there June can you share that recipe ,or is it all for family only ?

Comment by June Kowalczyk on October 16, 2012 at 5:10pm
Like I said to Katy. Can't make my Moms fruitcake cause I eat it. SOoooo good & SOooooo fattening!! :0)
Comment by Linda Wolff on October 16, 2012 at 5:03pm

me too, Gail....but I want to eat the whole thing all by myself.

Comment by art deco cakes by galidink on October 16, 2012 at 5:01pm

yummy fruit cake love it lol

Comment by Martin Brown on October 16, 2012 at 5:00pm
Cheers all round then ! HIC x
Comment by Linda Wolff on October 16, 2012 at 4:52pm

Rich fruit cake soaked in the best of the best of Brandie-hi alcohol content!

Comment by Martin Brown on October 16, 2012 at 3:22pm
I think my wife would hang by my short and curleys ! Lol
Comment by Martin Brown on October 16, 2012 at 3:20pm
Linda is that rich fruit cakes !!!
And that would be telling !!!! She is not that far from me !!!!!!!

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