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Episcopal Church of the Good Shepherd Choir Party Cake

Lambeth "buttercream" cake

Views: 220


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Comment by art deco cakes by galidink on September 19, 2014 at 4:14pm


Comment by Timothy Jansen on September 19, 2014 at 4:11pm


Comment by art deco cakes by galidink on September 19, 2014 at 8:47am

do you airbrush your cakes to give it the sheen ?

Comment by Timothy Jansen on September 19, 2014 at 2:30am


Comment by art deco cakes by galidink on September 9, 2013 at 9:33am

I missed this too ??? wow so pretty , I am amazed at the piping work

Comment by Anne M on June 4, 2012 at 10:35am

Beautiful Tim.

Comment by Linda Wolff on June 4, 2012 at 10:05am

When you told Rima that RI is the preferred method of Lambeth over butter cream, I have to tell you, that being able to accomplish something of this magnitude in butter cream is a huge achievement since butter cream tends to be heavy and make the icing topple, not to mention the grease factor of butter cream which can cause sliding. But! Ohhhhh, that butter cream tastes soooo much better than royal icing! Give me an old fashioned butter cream covered cake any day over royal icing. yuuuuuuummmmm!

Comment by Linda Wolff on June 4, 2012 at 9:49am

If you want to get together, Tim, then we need to work out all the details about whether you would be driving, if you are bringing your own cake dummies, fondant, etc., or if you want me to have all of the stuff purchased before hand and what sizes you would want to work with for travel sake getting them back. That sort of thing. We do have one (yes, only one) cake decorator supply house over in Omaha, Nebraska. It usually takes me about 20-25 minutes to get there from my house, but they do carry bulk fondant and a lot of other things and they have opened it up to the public and not just businesses, but I'm not sure about the dummies. They also carry a lot of used cake pans from commercial bakeries and it's possible that they may also have beveled cake pans there. I didn't look over what kind they have, but they have tons and tons of equipment-too much to inventory in my head, that's for sure.

Comment by Timothy Jansen on June 3, 2012 at 7:47pm

My sincere apology Linda Wolff... When I opened this page for some reason I didn't see your comment... I think I was getting ready for work (and probably shouldn't have even opened the computer up) but I did... I think with all my rushing... I over looked your kind comment... Which I very much appreciate...!!!  And of course you're one of my favorite decorators on this sight... and YES!!! I want a class...!!! 

Comment by Rima on June 3, 2012 at 6:22pm

Yes, I love Peggy too! She comes to town now and then. She was here in March for our cake show. I just love to see her. I won the raffle basket with her Cake Play isomalt sticks and some molds this year. So cool!!!! That sugar piece I have in my pics I did in one of her classes. What a small world. I'm so glad these instructors travel around=) 

Go for the flowers! I'll be watching for pics.

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