Cake Decorating Community - Cakes We Bake

Since our theme in September for our cake show is under the big top, the group decided that we needed to incorporate our monthly challenges with the theme once in awhile. So, clowns was the theme this go around.

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Comment by Linda Wolff on March 30, 2012 at 2:50pm

Thank you Naheed! awww, there is no better or worse. Art is how you see it! =O)

Comment by naheed ullah on March 30, 2012 at 2:12pm

Linda, this is cute clown, love his outfit. Your clown is far more better than mine :-)

Comment by Linda Wolff on March 30, 2012 at 9:15am

June and Gail, Damp Rid is just a box of activated charcoal that you normally would place in a damp basement or somewhere where you wouldn't want moisture to build up. It's pretty cheap. I think for two boxes attached together it was about $6.00. It's really easy to use too. It's in a plastic box and you just remove the lid, then remove the protective sealed foil, and then place the lid (which has holes in it) back on and place it wherever you need it.

Gail, the only thing I actually 'dressed' were the two thick dowels that I used for his legs, and I rolled out some white paste and cut red strips of red paste and glued it on with gum paste glue. I'm not crazy how the pants turned out, but I was in a hurry to get this guy done and didn't fool too much with him. Everything else clothing related was made from pieces of gum paste and then anchored in with toothpicks broken off to size and gum paste/fondant mix glue. Once the balls are dry on the wire, I'll post another pic of him finished.

Comment by art deco cakes by galidink on March 30, 2012 at 8:59am

or is the fig the outfit !

Comment by art deco cakes by galidink on March 30, 2012 at 8:58am

do you make the fig -than dress it . of is the outfit the fig ?

Comment by art deco cakes by galidink on March 30, 2012 at 8:57am

oh . ok cool , if you can do this . i am sure you can do flowers, give yourself credit and go for it , iam trying to do thease little fig's , one day i'l get that to ,whats a damp rid ?

Comment by June Kowalczyk on March 30, 2012 at 8:49am

Hey Linda

He is a cutie!!! Did you come up with the look in your head, or did you see a drawing somewhere??

If I get "stuck" for drying out my gumpaste figures, I place in my oven with the light on overnight. No heat, just the light, and if it is not too big, it works. I have never heard of "damp rid". What is it, and obviously it is used for something in the household. How much dose it cost??

Comment by Linda Wolff on March 30, 2012 at 8:45am

Yeah, I do , Gail, it's the flowers that I stink at. This wasn't hard to make, it was the fact that I didn't put enough powdered sugar in my homemade MMf/gum paste mix and he wouldn't dry! But my hubby bought me some Damp Rid last night and low and behold...he is almost completely dry this morning! Yay!!

Comment by art deco cakes by galidink on March 30, 2012 at 8:41am


Comment by Linda Wolff on March 30, 2012 at 8:28am

Thanks ladies. He stands about 6-8 inches tall and I had a heck of a time getting him to dry out, so I asked my husband the next time he went to Home Depot to purchase some Damp Rid to put beside it to help get the moisture pulled out of him and it worked! I have some balls made out of gum paste connected to a wire that will go up as if he is juggling, but I need for them to be dry as a bone too before I attach them. Clowns are the theme for our cake challenge at our cake club on Sunday and I forgot about it until Wednesday it hit me like a ton of bricks that I hadn't even started mine, so I have been scrambling since Wednesday trying to get him done.

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