Cake Decorating Community - Cakes We Bake

Well, thanks for looking. Just got to make the cake and add these little guys and I'm done. Watch this space. T:)

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Comment by June Kowalczyk on October 26, 2011 at 10:38am
Until I read a post here, possibly from you, never heard of Peppa Pig. Because we are so linked with Britain, we do get some of your programmes here.  Being that my "kids" are 31 & 27, past this stage, so not up on some of these tv characters.  Did babysit my great nephew, 3yrs, niece, 7 mos this past Saturday. We watched Despicable me....which he loves.  Waiting.....patiently??? for grnadchildren,...hoping it will be soon.   I don't know how u manage your caking with such young children. of course, have forgotten how much energy I USE to have when my kiddies went to bed.  Guessing hubby must be a great help as well.  Love my hubby dearly, but my sweet European/Polish guy that he is, he always thought that cake decorating was 'frivilous".  So I had to go out and get a "real" job!!  It was too much for me to work p/part time, ferry children to there sports/events, AND do cake decorating.  Simply was too busy & no time.  Hence, since retirement,  just getting more into the hobby/selling now.
Comment by Tracy Deadman on October 26, 2011 at 10:25am
Lol, no I don't like Barney either. I won't let my children watch the Teletubbies - they don't speak English, only goos and gaas and I like to be able to communicate with my 3 (who are 2,4&6). Wicked aren't I! Lol. My youngest Madison is a huge Peppa Pig fan. Brooke (4) is into Barbie & Disney princesses and my eldest Cody loves transformers and Beast Quest. Woh, it's a lot to try to be an expert in when they try to talk to you about it. Txx
Comment by June Kowalczyk on October 26, 2011 at 10:11am
Posted recipe a minute ago.  I figured these were telly figures.  Not unlike Bert & Ernie, or shudder.....Barney..yuk.  Never could stand Barney.  Thank goodness my children were older when he appeared on the scence.  Didn't like Telly Tubbies either, Ewww,  sorry, they seemed "creepy" to me.
Comment by Tracy Deadman on October 26, 2011 at 9:39am
Mmmmm, can you let me know the 'poor mans icing' recipe - I'm intrigued x
Comment by June Kowalczyk on October 26, 2011 at 9:33am

One thing I did forget to mention Tracy is it took me 2 tries, and loss of good ingredients I might add, to get the SMB "right".  I got my recipe from the book..."The Cake Bible".  If you google that, her website comes up. Recipe is on her website, and I am sure just the recipe will pop up when you google.  It is VERY tricky poring the warm liquid into your sugar  & butter mixture while beating.  Even the "Master" Rose ( Cake Bible author) has had failure.  But when it "works", it is good. Tastes wonderful. 

Personally tho Tracy, it is a lot of work, and I prefer the Icing made with flour.  I made this icing, put it on cupcakes for my family, along side cupcakes with SMB.  They couldn't tell the difference, and my daughter actually prefered the flour icing.  It is really the "poor" man's SMB. It is the icing traditionally  used here as icing on red velvet cake.

Comment by art deco cakes by galidink on October 26, 2011 at 9:24am
thank you June ! iam going to trya sm pc b4 i mix it ! i'l let you know how it is , i use choc- clay on lots of my work , i find it much easyer to work !
Comment by Tracy Deadman on October 26, 2011 at 9:18am

Thanks June, I'm afraid I can't take credit for her design as Rosie is from a kids TV show over here called Everything's Rosie. I posted 2 stills from the show at the end of this batch of photo's and also there are pictures of the soft toy I bought as part of my nieces present. Thanks for your help with the SMB question. I'm going to give it a go as I love the texture, rather than the slight grittiness of BC. It's going to be bright pink and hopefully look like the house in one of the stills I've this space lol.

Gail - I've not used choco clay I'm afraid. I watch a program called Chockywockydoodah (also the name of the fabulous chocolate shop in Brighton, Sussex who make the cakes) They make some amazing things from this choco clay and I have felt inspired by them. Looks pretty easy to use - I bet it tastes divine. Good luck xx

Comment by June Kowalczyk on October 26, 2011 at 9:14am
I have used chocolate clay/modeling chocolate to cover small things. As "tops" for cupcakes. Making roses.  I have never used the clay & fondant together for large batches, ie: covering a cake.  But I bought this fondant Gail, made from white chocolate.  It is expensive, but has amazing taste. I bought a small tub to use for embellishments to put on cakes that people can actually eat.  So I am guessing mixing the two together that  you want to use would give superior taste, and probably roll out quite well. Post how it turns out.
Comment by art deco cakes by galidink on October 26, 2011 at 9:04am
i realy never used any thing but buttercream , i dont know sorry , let me know how it turns out cant wait , my nx cake i am planing to cover with choc-clay, mix with fondant ! have you ever used that ? ,
Comment by June Kowalczyk on October 26, 2011 at 9:02am

Hey Tracy

Love these little figures.  Is she a particular character?, or something you just dreamed up?  Your so very talented, all those details.

Now an answer SMB. I did my daughter's 30th B-day cake in this.  You can see it on my page/photo's. She doesn't care for the super smooth look of a iced BC. Thinks it loos kinda fake/phoney. SOooo, there are swirls of icing on this cake. It sat iced for 2 days on the counter, no problem.  Now it is hard to get smooth at room temperature.  I did a cake for a women's get together, but didn't take a photo. It was a last minute deal, & I actually had the icing in the fridge.  Just had to re-whip to use again.   To get it smooth, I had to refridgerate the cake w/icing, then when it was cool/cold, smoothed flat. I can't remember how long I kept cake in the fridge tho?? Perhaps half and hour?  I do know I used a  knife dipped in hot water method ( spatula wiped after being in water ) to smooth the cake.

Hope that helps Tracy.

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