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Comment by art deco cakes by galidink on July 2, 2012 at 8:41am

thank you Katy ! yes it will

Comment by Katy Nott on July 2, 2012 at 5:23am

Gail, this is so clever, well done!  As it happens, I am a master of swiss roll making (taught by my Mum and make quite a lot of them).  Make sure your cake is quite thin - cook it in a very shallow oblong baking tray - we call them swiss roll tins over here, that has been lined with greased baking parchment.  When it's cooked turn it out onto greaseproof paper/baking parchment, that has been liberally showered with caster sugar (this will stop the sponge from sticking to the paper).  When it's completely cool, peel the parchment off the back.   Trim off any 'crispy' edges.  Spread with your filling of choice, leaving a narrow unfilled edge (the filling will spread to the edge as you roll).  Starting from the narrow end, gently fold over the slightest of edges to get a start and then roll it over itself, peeling off the sugared paper as you roll, till you get to the other end.  What I do then is to wrap the whole thing quite firmly in cling film and leave it to rest with the join on the bottom, so it firms up and stays in it's roll.  Refrigerate at this stage if you like.  Then do what you like with the outside.  For a jam swiss roll, I just dust in caster sugar, or for Christmas logs, I coat in chocolate butter cream.  By the way it's best to use a light sponge recipe for this, as it's more forgiving when you roll - ie one that is made from eggs, caster sugar, flour - not one made with fat.  Hope this helps - any questions, just holler!  Good luck.

Comment by art deco cakes by galidink on July 1, 2012 at 6:58pm

ooopppsss spray again , sorry ! ; /

Comment by art deco cakes by galidink on July 1, 2012 at 6:56pm

sorry can not take credit for this ; / iv seen it on i think a tut on cc !  i wanted to see if i could do this , i dont know how to make a swiss roll ??? i think it came out to thick ! any way , thinking i would try it , and if it came ok without making a pattern ! than you just about can make any thing with just filling and a boarder !! freeze your pan ! after you with pan spray and parchment , than soray again !  color some of your cake mix tothe colors you need for your deisign ! than pipe it on to the frozon pan , than the nx color ! freeze again ! till firm ! than take the rest of your white or whatever color you make and flow it over your frozon design's ! bake , , now all i need is to find out how to make it roll lol , , i even tryed to roll it uprite after cutting 4'' strips ! 7 '' long ! but it cracked , ?? its pretty any way .

Comment by Rima on July 1, 2012 at 6:38pm

Very interesting!!! I've never heard of this. Did you just make it up? Looks cool.

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