Cake Decorating Community - Cakes We Bake

So it's finally done. Think I may have overstretched myself a bit here! Wine bottle - gumpaste moulded over real bottle. Beer bottle - hand shaped (which is why it's so rubbish) from rkt covered in fondant and painted. Both labels hand painted, wine bottle to reflect hubby's favourite tipple. Box - vanilla sponge with apricot conserve, framed in June's chocolate fondant (the mess I got into with that is a whole other story). Fondant came out looking a bit like leather to me so I pursued that theme, studding the corners and 'stitching' the edges. Snacks - stilton in fondant, marked in navy paste, peanuts and biscuits in rkt coated in cinnamon and edible glitter. The dish has yet to be removed as it won't dry! Final touch of a sugarpaste rose (his birth flower for June), made to resemble the rose my mother bought him for his birthday a lifetime ago, but that is still flowering like a trooper every summer. I'm exhausted, but all in all, reasonably happy with the outcome. Eyesight has been a real trial with this one!
Oh and packing was grated white chocolate and packing peanuts in gumpaste

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Comment by Katy Nott on June 20, 2012 at 12:29pm

Thank you June - you're a sweetie pie.

Daisy is here at the moment after school and has whispered 'did you get Gdad's cake done - can I see it?'

So we'll get the opinion of the mistress of Anderson Shelters later on when Gdad's not looking!

Comment by June Kowalczyk on June 20, 2012 at 12:25pm
It really, really does look awesome Katy!! Honest. Cross my fingers & hope to die! HMmm that phrase just popped into my head. My Mother's words coming right out of my mouth!!
Comment by Katy Nott on June 20, 2012 at 12:22pm

Why thanks, Queens of Sweet, much appreciated

Comment by Katy Nott on June 20, 2012 at 12:22pm

June - I get exactly what you're saying.  Like riding a bike eh?  You try and try, are sure you can't do it and then one day, you just can.  Thanks for the tips and encouragement.

Comment by Queens of Sweet on June 20, 2012 at 11:54am

Great Work!!!

Comment by June Kowalczyk on June 20, 2012 at 10:10am
You didn't grease your work surface, & I'm guessing you started with TOO much icing sugar. Always start with least amount. The mistake everyone makes is thinking you HAVE to incorporate ALL the icing sugar on the counter. NOT!!! When the fondant doesn't feel sticky & has "give", you know you have enough icing sugar added.
Hey Katy, if it helps, I screwed up many batches of mmf until I got it right. I kept saying to myself.... Linda & so many others say this is SOoooo easy!! What the "H" am I doing wrong!!!! It was trial & error Katy till I "got it". Bang, once you got it, you got it. That sounds so lame, but that is the best I can describe it. :0)
Comment by Katy Nott on June 20, 2012 at 10:00am

Thank you so much Anne.  He hasn't seen it yet - birthday tomorrow.  Yes, it was a labour of love.  He never had a mother to speak of, so no childish treats like this as a boy.  I try to make up for that.

Comment by Anne M on June 20, 2012 at 9:59am

Ok, I just saw the note that he has not yet seen it............he will be for sure.

Comment by Anne M on June 20, 2012 at 9:52am

Oh my Katy, this is a true labor of LOVE.  I am sure he must have been ecstatic, it has all come out very well.

Comment by Katy Nott on June 20, 2012 at 9:49am

I'm not really sure what happened really June, as I've never made mmf before, so didn't really know what to expect and how it should look and feel.  The recipe you gave looked to me like it would make a lot of fondant and I knew I wouldn't need that much, so did half quantities.  When I started to mix the icing sugar with the marshmallows, I just couldn't get it to take all the icing and everything stuck to me like a kid in a playdough pit.  I was laughing hysterically all the time I have to say, thinking -oh God, if June could see me now, she'd have a fit.  I'm supposing I didn't lather myself in enough shortening to start with.  The fondant came out a bit hard and difficult to roll out (my arthritic elbow and fingers were screaming at me the next day haha).  I did like the effect of it though, once I rolled it out in cocoa (per your suggestion), as the cocoa seemed to stick unevenly to it and gave it that leather look.  That was actually good, because it meant I didn't have to spend the time marking and graining it like wood (every cloud eh?).  I will probably try it again and try and learn from my mistakes.  It may depend on what people think of the taste.  Oh yes and when I opened the packet of mallows, I discovered they were pink and white mixed, which gave it an odd kind of colour initially!

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