Martin Brown

56, Male


United Kingdom

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  • CUQUI'S DESIGNS Cake Supplies

  • CUQUI'S DESIGNS Cake Supplies


  • Tracy Deadman

    Thanks for adding me as a friend. Your work is pretty amazing & obviously very well constructed. Surrey to Scotland is brave for what looks to be a very large cake. In fact although I did send a mermaid topper to New Zealand, I don't think I could have handled the stress Of such a long car journey with your masterpiece. Wonderful. Tx
  • Tracy Deadman

    Wow, just noticed you are not a professional! Do you just do this for family & friends? You need to get a business cap on. I'm in. Surrey too btw. Can't wait to see more of your work, your autumn cake & the elephant were fab. Tracy :)
  • Tracy Deadman

    Martin, I'd love to visit your website. Please let me have your www address. I have one too, but it's a work in progress. I normally direct people to my Fondant Fetish Facebook page for the time being. Looking forward to hearing from you. Tracy :)
  • Tracy Deadman

    Great website Martin, a wonderful showcase of your work. You've inspired me to sit down over the next week and add more to mine. I only have 2 cakes added at the moment and the blurb needs reworking if you are interested. Tracy x
  • Linda Wolff

    Boy!  I'm sitting here watching your slide show of cakes, and WOW! Pretty cool stuff you have going on here. You have the artistic ability, that's for sure! Great job! :o)

  • mary hnatyszyn

    your work is amazing!!!!!!!!! so accurate ,fab slide show !!!!!!

  • art deco cakes by galidink

    your works are truly awesome wow ,

  • OC's Little Kitchen

    thanks martin ;)

  • Linda Wolff

    Martin, I just took another trip through your slide show, and quite frankly, I am shell shocked that you have never opened your own bakers shop. You truly do have a tremendous artistic talent and I could see that you would be very much coveted after.

  • Scott S. Smith

    Love your work! The mini cooper's are great!

  • Linda Wolff

    I just went through you cakes...AGAIN!...and you literally could just close your eyes and pick a cake and just about every one of them would fit into any contest.

  • June Kowalczyk

    Oh my
    Driving a bunch of 21 yr olds AFTER partying!! Yikes. Good luck with that one!!
    Never did get to watch Oz, got busy & there was a good movie on last night on my movie channel
    A Dolphin Tale. So good, cried like a baby. True story as well. Just going to switch on the Telly & watch the tape of Queen in the Thames.
    Looking forward to seeing the finished cakes. :o)
  • Les Brown

    hey Martin maybe we are related but I think it more likey we just share a really common surname lol, and I certainly wouldnt compare my talents to yours methinks your talents far exceed my meagre efforts but good to have another Brit as a friend

  • June Kowalczyk

    Love all your latest creations..... Fab as usual....  :o)

  • Les Brown

    Thanks Martin I guess your right as I've only been at this lark for just over 2 years but I definately think I'll stick to making flowers at least they dont argue with me if I tell it it's gonna be a rose or a lilly then it's a rose or a lilly not a frog that could be a dinosaur lol.