jackie gayle

United Kingdom

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Comment Wall:

  • Bisi

    Hi Jackie,

    Welcome to the club.

  • Wes & Jaci

    Hi Thanks for the welcom message, How lng you been apart of htis coomunity , i have been for aprox 11/2 months now, still new to cake decor but feel like an intermediate cake decor ,Love in it LOL
  • Shanna

    Red Ribbon
  • Alejandra Lizarraga

    Thank you for take a look to my works!
  • Kim Allemon

    I make one layer of a 11x15 cake cut into 3 equal parts ,,, layer with buttercream,,, On the 2 corners round them a litlle bit with a sharp carving knife,,, THen I cover it in fondant and add all your lil details on it,, I will try and post pics all around that cake so you can see more detail,, if you need to know more please dont hesitat to ask,,
  • Kim Allemon

    I hope it helps,,,
  • Kathy Martinez

    Hi there Jackie........ Glad we are friends too!
  • Frostine

    Hello Jackie! Nice to meet you.
  • Solecito

    Hi Jackie!!!
  • MaryAnn Carrizzo

    Hi Jackie! Thanks for the friend request.
  • joann

    Hi Jackie
  • Sheila Herrington

    Hello Jackie thanks for the friend request. How long have you been a part of this site?
  • Linda's Cakes

    Hi Jackie, thanks for the friends request. I'm new and just learning how to get around in here..Looking forward to great ideas and great friendships:)
  • Maria Mendoza

    Thank you Jackie for making me your friend. I am a newbie at this. Looking forward to learn cake decorating. I just finish taking the Wilton Course. I would love to learn to do figuers in gum/fondant and to paint and airbrush. Also would love to really be able to do the gumpaste flowers. I have elleven grandchildren and I am close to retirement and this is what I want to do when I retire. Jackie how long have you been a cake decorater. Where are you located. I am in Brooklyn, NY.
  • Beverley Childs

    Hi, Jackie thanks for the request to become a friend. I have been cake decorating for a year now and I am totally addicted. I would love to be able to do piping but there is no one within miles where I live who teaches it. I am self taught although I did do a college course on making flowers. Looking forward to hearing from you and swapping tips etc.
  • Maria Mendoza

    Wow London. What is it like over there I guess very different from Brooklyn, New York. I just finish the Wilton course. I am looking into finding classes on gum paste flowers and figuers. I would like to learn and to get better at it. I love cake decorating. I wish I started years ago, but the kids were small and financially I could not aford the classes. Know tons of years later finally I have started to do what I injoy doing and its baking and decorating. When did you start and how is it going. Well hope everything is well.
  • Alonda Richardson

    Hey Jackie, thanks for the friend invite.
  • Stampinsher

    Hi Jackie and welcome to CWB. I look forward to seeing your contributions with pictures as well. Have fun baking!