Cake Decorating Community - Cakes We Bake

Hi everyone!  I'm relatively new to the group, and I have a question I'm hoping to get some input on.  An aquaintance of mine has asked me to make a 2 tier Princess and the Frog cake for her 3 yr old.  The bottom tier would have fondant flowers (the kind you could make with a cutter), and the top would be quilted fondant with a plastic crown on top, and a sculpted frog with a crown on it's head. It needs to feed 35-40 people.  I generally give my cakes as gifts, or trade a cake for babysitting with my friends, but she asked what I'd charge.  I don't really know her, so I feel I should charge her more than just cost, but I have no idea what to charge! I researched local bakeries, and for a sheet cake of that size, they start around $65-70, with custom cakes of course costing more.  I don't know if I could ask for that with a straight face.  lol  Thoughts?

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Hi Carla. I've just (accidentally) started baking cakes to order. I live in India - so i'm not sure if i can tweak your excel spreadsheet to use my currency. If i can change that - could you please send it to me too? I'm never sure how much to price and have decided my rates based on what the cheapest bakeries here charge and ask for a little less than that. But i know that i'm surely using better quality of ingredients and puttig a lot of effort into customising the cakes. - so your spreadsheet would help - if i could tweak it to my measures and currency. My email address is

Thanks for the trouble.


Hi KAMiNi, I just sent it your way. Let me know if you don't receive it.
could you send me the spreadsheet to plz

Cakes By Carla said:
Alright - email sent to Ceclilia & Dorothea.  Let me know if you have any questions.  Gcat, Carla & Rachel, reply to the PM I sent you and I'll send it your way too.
Hi Melissa, I just sent it to you. Let me know if it doesn't go through...
got it thank you i didn't know where to start for pricing this helps a lot thanks again

Cakes By Carla said:
Hi Melissa, I just sent it to you. Let me know if it doesn't go through...
No problem :0)

Thanks so much Carla. I got it too. You're a good soul to share with all of us. Now let me see if i can tweak it to my needs.


Hope it works out for Kamini!

Hi Carla,
Can I please  have a copy of your pricing sheet too if that's not too much trouble.I usually give my cakes as a gift but even so it is nice to know how much your gift cost    Thank you for your time!

Cakes By Carla said:

No, I got it from someone else. If you want I can send it to you.  It's excel - very handy! PM an email address if you'd like and I'll send it your way.
I just sent it. Let me know if it doesn't come through....
Thank you so much Carla, this is so nice of you!
Emi said:

Hi Carla,
Can I please  have a copy of your pricing sheet too if that's not too much trouble.I usually give my cakes as a gift but even so it is nice to know how much your gift cost    Thank you for your time!

Cakes By Carla said:

No, I got it from someone else. If you want I can send it to you.  It's excel - very handy! PM an email address if you'd like and I'll send it your way.
No problem. Happy to help!


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