Cake Decorating Community - Cakes We Bake

Hi everyone!  I'm relatively new to the group, and I have a question I'm hoping to get some input on.  An aquaintance of mine has asked me to make a 2 tier Princess and the Frog cake for her 3 yr old.  The bottom tier would have fondant flowers (the kind you could make with a cutter), and the top would be quilted fondant with a plastic crown on top, and a sculpted frog with a crown on it's head. It needs to feed 35-40 people.  I generally give my cakes as gifts, or trade a cake for babysitting with my friends, but she asked what I'd charge.  I don't really know her, so I feel I should charge her more than just cost, but I have no idea what to charge! I researched local bakeries, and for a sheet cake of that size, they start around $65-70, with custom cakes of course costing more.  I don't know if I could ask for that with a straight face.  lol  Thoughts?

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Can I have one also???? Very good article!!! Thank you for sharing!!!!!!!



Would it be possible for me to get the spreadsheet as well, sounds intriguing!!




In response to the original person who asked this need to think of your time and the skills required for you to be able to make this cake!  They are asking you to make it because they feel unable to do so themselves and see your talent!  You should be compensated as such....just my thoughts, and YES when I started awhile ago making cakes for those other than my friends I too felt uncomfortable asking for what I was rightly owed for my time and skills....hope this helps ya!


 sorry to also ask.but Carla could you also send me the spreadsheet for pricing too?     thank you so much!

I know this thread is old but I charged $90 for a fondant cake that serves 12 people. There are some sculpted items on top. Generally in this are people charge $4.50 - $5.50 for jsut a covered fondant cake plus more for labor for the sculpting piece of it. For one, if you buy commercial fondant, it is very expensive or if it is the cheap kind - tastes horrible. Secondly as everyone takes a lot of time to make these cakes. I hope you charged her more than that $70. LOL! Your work is well worth it. sorry to ask again.but others r thanking you for the spreadsheet.....but i still havent received mine...could u please send me one too?????      thanks Carla!!!!!

Hi Carla, I read your post about having a cake spreadsheet and was wondering if it would be out of line to ask for it as well. If it is bad etiquette to ask I apologize and will understand if you prefer not to send.  My usual way in 'figuring out' what to charge is not so good I have to say. I so don't charge what I should verses what it costs. I usually sit with paper and pencil and use my total supply list and divide it by however many cakes it will produce and a lot of times I don't add items like wax paper, plastic wrap, etc.... the things that tend to be forgotten. I know these items have a price too but have no idea what to charge for them on each cake used. A spread sheet would be very useful in many ways.  This way a very accurate price can be implemented without decreasing my own value in order to pay for those small items used that were forgotten when totally costs. 

I can't thank you enough if you do decide to forward your copy on to me. I will be most grateful. 

I am new to this site so I hope I'm posting correctly. 

Many sincere thanks,

Frankie Harvey e-mail:


No problem Frankie. I sent it your way. Also, Dollie, April and Tina, I sent it to you guys as well...

Thank you Carla, I received it and it will certainly prove to be very valuable to my business. It will be a wonderful shortcut in many ways for me. Lots of time saved and can be put to use in other areas. I can't thank you enough for your generosity. 


God Bless,

Frankie H.

No problem Frankie! Enjoy!
Hi Carla,
Could I have a copy of your pricing sheet too. I know I underprice most of the tim & I'm sure this would really help me. Many thanks for your time. Best wishes, Tracy x

Hi Tracy,

I'm happy to send it your way. Just PM me your email address (I can't send attachments via cakeswebake mail). Thanks!




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