Cake Decorating Community - Cakes We Bake

Hi everyone!  I'm relatively new to the group, and I have a question I'm hoping to get some input on.  An aquaintance of mine has asked me to make a 2 tier Princess and the Frog cake for her 3 yr old.  The bottom tier would have fondant flowers (the kind you could make with a cutter), and the top would be quilted fondant with a plastic crown on top, and a sculpted frog with a crown on it's head. It needs to feed 35-40 people.  I generally give my cakes as gifts, or trade a cake for babysitting with my friends, but she asked what I'd charge.  I don't really know her, so I feel I should charge her more than just cost, but I have no idea what to charge! I researched local bakeries, and for a sheet cake of that size, they start around $65-70, with custom cakes of course costing more.  I don't know if I could ask for that with a straight face.  lol  Thoughts?

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Carla looks like you've started something. Pleeeease if you don't mind, could you email me the spreadsheet too? Thank you...
Carla if you don't mind could you please email a copy of your spreadsheet to me also? Thank you.
Ok. Sent. I sent it to the address above but with out the "www." let me know if it doesn't come thru.
I got it. Thank you.....
thank you Carla I got it!
Hi Guys,
I've posted this before on the discussion about what to charge for an 8 tier wedding cake about 3 weeks ago, but I feel it was so helpful to me when I found it I have to share again.
It's from a site called Staceys sweetshop and she puts it so succinctly I've not changed any of her blog.. Please read:

How'd you arrive at that number?
Setting a Budget for your Custom Cake...

Sometimes I get a phone call or an e-mail from a potential client inquiring on a cake. They have very specific ideas about what they want and have the cake designed in their head from top to bottom. They know the colors, accent pieces, sculpted pieces, flavors, and they know what they want to pay.

So when my client calls I have some questions that need answered so we can get down to business.

- What is the date of your event?

- How many servings of cake will you need? 

- Do you have a design in mind? 

- Do you require delivery?

- What is your budget?
I want to elaborate on this one. Some people think it's a trick question. But it's not. There are many techniques and materials that can be used to get from raw cake and filling to finished piece of edible art. I need to know how much money you want to spend so I can choose which methods to use to get to your finished product. I need to know how much detail to include, if I can use fancier techniques like poured sugar, hand sculpted pieces, or possibly even purchasing special tools for your project. Do I need to employ a carpenter to build a frame for your cake? It's all going to play into your quote and that is why your answer is so important.

So, when you tell me you want a cake to serve 60 people and you want it to defy gravity, you want specific detail pieces (about 30 of them), you want sparkle, you want your guests to go "WOW", and you only want to spend $300.00. I need to know, HOW did you arrive at that number?

Let's get the facts.

Those shops you see on TV have a minimum order for custom cakes. One has a minimum of $1,000. And it doesn't matter if you only want to feed 25 guests. One charges $100.00 just to sit down, taste some cake, and talk to them about your design. No finished cake included in that price. And the per serving cost of a fondant decorated cake usually STARTS at about $8.00 a serving. But more likely will cost you about $12.00 - $14.00 per serving because we already know you want WOW factor.

So let's break it down. 60 servings of cake. WOW FACTOR. Budget of $300.00. That's $5.00 per serving. Which is the base price at my shop for a fondant cake. You know, where we start. (Remember those TV guys start at about $8.00) So HOW did you determine your budget of $300.00?

Did you research what custom cakes cost before you got that number? Or, is it how much you have to spend, it's a number that "sounds good", and really, it's just Cake and Icing! Right?! Let's nip this one in the bud. If it was JUST Cake and Icing, you'd have gone to the Warehouse store and picked up a sheet cake. You don't want cake and icing. You want mouthwatering edible art! There's a difference. And creating a custom sculpted/carved/designed piece of art work, requires talent, experience, time, materials, and skill. And that cost money.

So before you "decide" on your budget. Do a little research. Make sure that your budget makes sense. Make sure you account for what you are asking for. And be honest with your cake designer when they want to know your budget.

You see, you might not be able to afford a Carved 3-D cake of your fiance's dog. BUT you could afford a smaller tiered cake with a sculpted topper that looks like his dog, Rusty. There's a difference of about $300.00 or more in those two cakes. So keep that in mind. If your budget isn't reasonable for what you requested, ask your designer HOW you can still match your theme but get closer to the budget. And don't be offended if they tell you that you can't afford a custom cake. It's okay. I know I can't afford a Mercedes. I just buy the car I can afford. I don't try to tell the Mercedes dealer that he HAS to change the price of the car because I only have $15,000 to spend. He'd laugh at me.

So when you figure out your budget, make sure it is backed by a little research. AND make sure that the shop you choose has a gallery of photos that show they can pull of what you are asking. Don't be disappointed in the end because you didn't research in the beginning.

And have fun with it! Custom Cakes can truly be the centerpiece of your event. And considering it's art that you are paying for, they should be!

hope you find it as useful as me.
Tracy x

Carla, I'm interested in the speadsheet also.  Could you email me at


Can you send me one as well please :-)

Cakes By Carla said:

Hi folks,


Okay, I'll send out an email asap.  For Gcat, Carla and Rachel, read your PM's. I lost your addresses when I accepted your friend requests.  So sorry guys!

Can you send me one as well please :-)

Cakes By Carla said:

Hi folks,

Okay, I'll send out an email asap.  For Gcat, Carla and Rachel, read your PM's. I lost your addresses when I accepted your friend requests.  So sorry guys!

Hi Bela, I sent it. let me know if you don't get it.
I find the easiest way to price is by per person.  Make a set of prices depending on the amount of work involved in the cake.  I live in Oz so not sure of cake prices where you live.  If the cake is complicated you could charge $5 to $6 per portion.  Or, charge for the cake etc., and add on the expense of the things you make.  A chef once told me he would charge the amount he expected for a cake and then add all ingredients etc., to that.  You have to sit down and work it out so that you are happy with it as it's going to be very time consuming but worthwhile.  What you don't want is to feel you didn't charge enough.  We all know the real amount of time that goes into our work.
can i send you my email address too, as i agree, its so hard to decide how much to ask for and i know i so underprice my cakes, but i think its because i feel i am not experienced enough and my cakes are not as fantastic as more experienced bakers.  my email address is

Cakes By Carla said:
No, I got it from someone else. If you want I can send it to you.  It's excel - very handy! PM an email address if you'd like and I'll send it your way.


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