Cake Decorating Community - Cakes We Bake

hi, made a cake for a friends son for today and the cake didn't quite go as i expected it and have felt quite low about it today.  It was a skateboard cake.  I researched on line for ideas and had this idea in my head, but it didn't quite work out how i had envisaged.  i had decided to out the wheels on the bottom (although most photos i had seem had the skateboard upsidedown (i now see why)).  I had 1st decided to make it black as mum wanted skull and crossbones, that was no prob.  then i thought i might do flames, so mixed my fondant to look like flames, but it just didn't look right. so scratched that idea (after several tries).  so i just did the skull and crossbones, then after making the wheels and using my dowels put the wheels on. (i also had cardboard under the cake, so it wouldn't sag)But the dowels started to come through to the top of the cake, which i saved just in time.  don't know why i didn't forsee this would happen.  So rethought all of this, (very late last night) and made a ramp and repostiioned the cake on it and put the wheels on the side, but the wheels had holes in them so had to patch them up and covered them with the age of the boy in fondant.  Just felt a bit embarrassed giving the cake to my friend.  Felt embarrassed charging her for it.  Please tell me some of you have felt like this in the beginning.  Was seriously thinking today, maybe i'm just not cut out at making cakes like this.

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aw thanx marian, those are kind words.  I am feeling better now, and i hope that ive learned from it.  My friend how i made the cake for was saying this morning the cake was delicious, so i hope she wasn't trying to be kind, but now i can move on and must say am looking forward to my next cake which is to be ready for a weeks time.  Tomorrow i am gonna do a bit of home baking with my girls, get me back into it, maybe make a halloween cake and fancy making caramel shortcake. Onwards and upwards :D

Not all cakes turn out like we invision.  Hang in there, the next one will be amazing.  Susan

Thanx Susan. Have had gd success since that cake and another not so successful, but you do learn from each one. X

You sure got that right Amanda. Was so disappointed with my last cake.  Customer, my daughter's sis-in-lw, was thrilled. But the mistakes "glared" at me. First problem was I didn't have giant piping bags on hand for my big tip & coupler. Hubby had the car, so couldn't just run out & pick some up. Thought I had all my supplies on hand. I am usually so organized. Wanted to do ruffle technique.  Then the cross on the (christening) cake...Grrrr. Put a piece of spagetti in so I could secure it to the cake, stand upright. The spagetti broke, obviously, not strong enough for the weight of the cross. Should have used floral wire. Made a cluster of Hydrangea flowers, and they attached to the cake alright, but in transit, they pulled away. Thinking I should have used royal icing, cause that stuff works like a charm, and keeps flowers etc. in place. Buttercream isn't stong enough. Oh well, like I said, customer was happy. And I have made notes so I don't forget.

Thanx for your story June. So it happens to us all. I just maed sum cupcakes there for a friend as she'd had one frm me on Sunday & asked me 2 make the same kind for 2day but in yellow & make the frosting lemony. But I wasn't happy with tIe outcome. I also coloured it yellow but the end result just looked plasticy. Why am I never happy when baking for others lol

Ha! Ha! Amanda.....we are our OWN worst critics!!!!!! At some point, you just have to stand back, look at waht you made, and be satisfied you did your very best.

I had a wise women said to me when I was a young wife & mother:  " Do the very best  you can, with God's help, and that is all you can ever do."

Try to live by this motto and not beat myself up. I ain't perfect!!

I just saw an episode of Ace of Cakes where the cake collapsed at the door, so they went back and remade(in 5 hrs) a cake that took 2 days... Even the pros have mishaps and mistakes!! 

Amanda don't beat yourself up about it. You'll have more great cakes in the future that will out way those that do not work out. Being the creative person that you are the next attempt you'll already know what to avoid. Trial and error :).


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