Cake Decorating Community - Cakes We Bake

hi, made a cake for a friends son for today and the cake didn't quite go as i expected it and have felt quite low about it today.  It was a skateboard cake.  I researched on line for ideas and had this idea in my head, but it didn't quite work out how i had envisaged.  i had decided to out the wheels on the bottom (although most photos i had seem had the skateboard upsidedown (i now see why)).  I had 1st decided to make it black as mum wanted skull and crossbones, that was no prob.  then i thought i might do flames, so mixed my fondant to look like flames, but it just didn't look right. so scratched that idea (after several tries).  so i just did the skull and crossbones, then after making the wheels and using my dowels put the wheels on. (i also had cardboard under the cake, so it wouldn't sag)But the dowels started to come through to the top of the cake, which i saved just in time.  don't know why i didn't forsee this would happen.  So rethought all of this, (very late last night) and made a ramp and repostiioned the cake on it and put the wheels on the side, but the wheels had holes in them so had to patch them up and covered them with the age of the boy in fondant.  Just felt a bit embarrassed giving the cake to my friend.  Felt embarrassed charging her for it.  Please tell me some of you have felt like this in the beginning.  Was seriously thinking today, maybe i'm just not cut out at making cakes like this.

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on October 8th i left home with 3 tiers of pleated fondant cake...nice and straight to assemble "sandwich" between the tires....the the top 2 cakes were to sit on extended dowels...lets put the drama this be came stacked with flowers randomly placed on each friend was there and she sent me seemed that as the morning progressed the cake followed....LEAN as hell!!!

now it was preventing sleep cuz i know that was not the set-up the couple wanted...but I felt it best to stack rather that having a big ole "SPLAT"


I wrote response just bad as i feel...I find comfort in the 2yrs of "awesomeness" that I have produced....self taught initially...I'm proud of me...we will fall, get bruised...but we must get up and press on...


Did a wedding last week and today...and I'm so happy and relaxed...everything went as feels GOOD!!!!


I have had that happen also!! I hate dowel rods!!!!  I found a lady that sells stress free cake supports on the web and invested in those for myself. I love love love them and have never had that happen to me again. I ask for a deposit on them and my brides always get them back to me. They are really stress free!!

Hey Tina

Can you tell me where you purchased those stress free cake supports?  Much appreciated.

My girlfriend uses the stress free cake taker. She loves it.
Thats great Ruby....but where oh where do u get them from???
thank you so much everyone for your kind words, you have helped me so much, you have no idea,  and let me see that it happens to us all.  So i've picked myself up and dusted off and did a light bit of baking today (shortbread and chocolate cupcakes) .  Onwards and upwards.  Got a 9inch round cake to do for a week on saturday with a skull on top, so feel pretty confident for it.  ;D

Good Amanda

Glad to see you got back up on the horse

just had a wee look at the stress free, thats good to know.  tight off to bed now.  its now midnight here in scotland and i'm back to work 2moro after a weeks holiday and i start at 8am, so need my beauty sleep. Take care all x

Thanks Tina

Ck'd out the site.  And just what I thought. They are expensive.  I am just a hobby baker, and couldn't write off that kind of expense.  Plus the shipping to Canada.

Thanks anyway for the info

Don't you dare give up, Amanda. I've been working at this cake thing for over 30 years and what I've learned more than anything else is that "cakes are evil!" (Laugh, please.)  Notice how you recognized each problem individually, then went about the business of remedying them. That, my friend, is the sign of a true cake decorator. There will be many times, as you go forward, when you want to actually throw the cake up against the wall, but I believe you're passionate about this thing so just continue to fix what you can, re-do what you can't'll learn all kinds of tricks to hide mistakes as you grow into this.


Keep your chin up. You're going to be fine.

In fact, Marian, just being able to remedy the problem is more of a feather in a decorators hat (maybe not for anyone else) that they were able to 'fix' a problem and no one sees the fix!
Marian Benton-Baker said:

Don't you dare give up, Amanda. I've been working at this cake thing for over 30 years and what I've learned more than anything else is that "cakes are evil!" (Laugh, please.)  Notice how you recognized each problem individually, then went about the business of remedying them. That, my friend, is the sign of a true cake decorator. There will be many times, as you go forward, when you want to actually throw the cake up against the wall, but I believe you're passionate about this thing so just continue to fix what you can, re-do what you can't'll learn all kinds of tricks to hide mistakes as you grow into this.


Keep your chin up. You're going to be fine.


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