Cake Decorating Community - Cakes We Bake


CWB Cake Club

This group is for members of the Cakes We Bake community who would like to participate in a monthly/semi monthly project that the whole group would do and then share them with the others in the group.

Members: 70
Latest Activity: Apr 20, 2014

CWB Cake Club Project #8

Cake Balls, Cake Pops, Cake-on-a-stick!!! 


Send in your favorite, reciepes, tips, pictures, ideas on doing this Cute little balls of cake!!!!

Discussion Forum


Started by Gretchen Belsome. Last reply by art deco cakes by galidink Nov 21, 2012. 12 Replies

Please send in your ideas, tips, reciepes and pictures of cakes using this techinque.  Continue

CWB Club Project #5 - "Velvet Cakes" for Valentine's Day

Started by Faith Gealey-Brown. Last reply by Mizztry May 30, 2012. 34 Replies

It looks like the velvet cakes have it - so I think it will be a very yummy February indeed!  I'm including a pink velvet and a red velvet recipe for you all to try out and enjoy.  Happy caking! Pink…Continue

Tags: CWB, Club, Project, Recipe, Red

CWB Cake Club Project #8

Started by Gretchen Belsome. Last reply by jeri c Nov 6, 2011. 13 Replies

Cake Balls, Cake Pops, Cake-On-A-Stick There is a Fourm Discussion about Cake Pops, going on right now, there is a new pan out to make these, are you going to use it????  There is a video posted to…Continue

CWB Project # 6 - Easter Pound Cakes!

Started by Faith Gealey-Brown. Last reply by Anne M May 9, 2011. 6 Replies

Hi All!  So I guess pound cakes it is!  Here are two of my yummy pound cake recipes - one is a cream cheese pound cake and one is an English style pound cake.  No matter which one you choose - both…Continue

Comment Wall

Comment by Gretchen Belsome on August 10, 2010 at 11:25am
Tina I love your cotton candy!!! That is so cute. Thanks Jeri, for all your information and answering our questions. I am so glad you had fun in Maui and am glad you are back too!!!! I had my cupcakes and the little oval pan at the bottom of the other to pans while baking ( I put them in half way through the baking time) and those did not sink it was the 10 and 6 inch pan, and I use Fat Daddio pans I have them on 300 for one hour, maybe I didn't have it hot enought and they sat to long. Not sure, also the bottoms were kind of sticky to the touch, so I put them back in for a few more minutes. I don't understand that, I have 3 inch pans, should my baking strips be around the bottom or top of the pan, or do I need to use 2. I just never feel like the bottom gets crusty like the top.

Okay we need start thinking about next month!!!!
Comment by Gretchen Belsome on August 10, 2010 at 11:57am
I wish I know how we could reorganize the page. Maybe I need to make each project a Discussion Forum and we post the pictures and comment there? I am going to play around with it, if it is possible, would if be okay with you guys if we move or repost at least the pictures to the Discussion so they will be all together.

Also I would like to put one of the cakes as the image for the the group, any nomanations, I nomanate Sher's with the Champagne glasses..... Even thought they all are "Pretty In Pink" Like Martha said... Anyone else?????

I really want this group to be a group thing, so Everyone is welcome to make suggestions and start anything they would like okay!!!!
Comment by Karen Marie on August 10, 2010 at 2:40pm
Hi everyone! I would love to participate but I am taking some culinary management classes this fall and I am gonna be busy with term papers....but once in a while I may want to do a cake challenge if it is ok with you all...
Comment by Gretchen Belsome on August 10, 2010 at 3:26pm
Of course Karen.. Anytime no pressure here. We are all just learning and having fun. Good Luck with your classes.
Comment by Bobbi Briden on August 10, 2010 at 3:55pm
Hi,Im new here as well and really look forward to learning alot so I can get better since I really love baking cakes..well...actually I don't care so much for the baking as I do the sculpting and
I have to say your cakes look amazing and I hop one day to be as good as all of you!

I do have a quick question though.How often do you run a project?
Comment by Gretchen Belsome on August 10, 2010 at 4:13pm
Welcome Bobbi... I would think once or twice a month. It really depends on how often people would like to do them. I may only have one or two cakes to do a month so I don't mind twice, but it really depends on everyone else too. We are kinda new too, so we are just going with the flow right now.
Comment by Karen Marie on August 11, 2010 at 1:55am
Thank you everyone! Great fun and a chance to make new friends!
Comment by Anne M on August 11, 2010 at 12:32pm
Has anybody made a "teenage mutant ninja turtle cake'? its my son's bday next month and he was a big fan of the turtles, so, I though I would surprise him with one but not able to get the pan, my next idea is to download a picture and transfer it to the cake with piping gel..............any ideas...........I am very new to cake decoration....... thank u
Comment by Gretchen Belsome on August 11, 2010 at 4:41pm
I got many, many compliments on the cake from the teachers at my daughter's school. They said it was a much needed treat after the meetings and retreats and stuff they did for the last couple of days. As soon as they saw me it was like, you made the cake...IT was wonderful.... I am so glad we did that cake and hope to make it often. I have one more piece going out the door tonight. Let's see how it is recieved.
Comment by jeri c on August 12, 2010 at 12:56am
Everyone's cakes are so fun! I'm a pink freak so it is fun seeing all the pink! Love it! I still am baffled about the cakes falling... I have not had that happen so I am wondering if altitude or humidity has something to do with it??? It bugs me! Am glad you all like the flavor of this cake. It is unique. I think the grenadine gives it that kick. I used to make it without the greandine and add a tad bit of pink coloring...but when I started using the grenadine it made the difference and did not have to add more color. Can't wait for project #2.... Hope I have time to do it. I am booked busy through the end of August. Had to go back to school today :-(


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