Cake Decorating Community - Cakes We Bake


CWB Cake Club

This group is for members of the Cakes We Bake community who would like to participate in a monthly/semi monthly project that the whole group would do and then share them with the others in the group.

Members: 70
Latest Activity: Apr 20, 2014

CWB Cake Club Project #8

Cake Balls, Cake Pops, Cake-on-a-stick!!! 


Send in your favorite, reciepes, tips, pictures, ideas on doing this Cute little balls of cake!!!!

Discussion Forum


Started by Gretchen Belsome. Last reply by art deco cakes by galidink Nov 21, 2012. 12 Replies

Please send in your ideas, tips, reciepes and pictures of cakes using this techinque.  Continue

CWB Club Project #5 - "Velvet Cakes" for Valentine's Day

Started by Faith Gealey-Brown. Last reply by Mizztry May 30, 2012. 34 Replies

It looks like the velvet cakes have it - so I think it will be a very yummy February indeed!  I'm including a pink velvet and a red velvet recipe for you all to try out and enjoy.  Happy caking! Pink…Continue

Tags: CWB, Club, Project, Recipe, Red

CWB Cake Club Project #8

Started by Gretchen Belsome. Last reply by jeri c Nov 6, 2011. 13 Replies

Cake Balls, Cake Pops, Cake-On-A-Stick There is a Fourm Discussion about Cake Pops, going on right now, there is a new pan out to make these, are you going to use it????  There is a video posted to…Continue

CWB Project # 6 - Easter Pound Cakes!

Started by Faith Gealey-Brown. Last reply by Anne M May 9, 2011. 6 Replies

Hi All!  So I guess pound cakes it is!  Here are two of my yummy pound cake recipes - one is a cream cheese pound cake and one is an English style pound cake.  No matter which one you choose - both…Continue

Comment Wall

Comment by Gretchen Belsome on August 5, 2010 at 5:10pm
Everytime I come on here there are new members....LOVE IT!!!!
I bought 3 more nails at Micheal the other day. I haven't made a flower on my nail in years, but in the last few months since hearing of that tip, I have used it in every cake.
Comment by Colleen on August 5, 2010 at 6:06pm
this is the BEST idea !!! =-D
im in for next month, since i just saw this and already said i would make a cake request for my BF this weekend.
Comment by Rosann Testa on August 6, 2010 at 10:59am
Hi...just stumbled on this group and loved all the suggestions and sharing. Can't get in on this current project but will stay in touch for the next one. A few of us here in Palm Bay, FL are starting a Cake Club next month with monthly meetings and maybe I can share these projects with them as well...that would be a lot of fun. Thanks Gretchen for this idea. Can't wait to see the photos...Great Panther Cake Debbie!.. Have fun everyone!
Comment by Helen on August 8, 2010 at 1:28pm
Hi, I'm from the Uk and so I can't get products like Betty Crocker cake mix. Could I request that when you post recipies you post alternatives for branded items? ie: would generic sponge cake mix work?
Comment by Helen on August 8, 2010 at 1:32pm
Hi, I used a dummy instead of a cake. I hope that is OK.

Comment by jeri c on August 8, 2010 at 3:38pm
Here is my pink cake.... HA! I did this one last summer for my daughter's wedding. I have been in Maui for the last 10 days and did not get in on this cake. This cake did have the bottom and top tiers both in the Pink Champagne Cake. So I did make it... just did it a year ago! Had a great time in Maui and looking forward to taking part in future challenges! Thanks Gretchen for starting this! It should be fun.

Comment by Stampinsher on August 9, 2010 at 1:24am
Okay, here is my cake with a little of everything on it! I made it just like the recipe that was given to us and I used butter cream and fondant to decorate. My filling is cream cheese and fresh strawberries.
Here is a picture and for the whole story, What I learned from this project, please feel free to go visit my blog at the link below the picture. Thanks!

Hmmm, when I first posted the link did not show so I will attempt again otherwise if it doesn't show I will make a separate posting and I apologize ahead of time!

And now for this link I hope (otherwise another posting), sorry.
Comment by Stampinsher on August 9, 2010 at 1:25am
Rats, the link isn't there! I can't seem to get the hyperlink to work so I copy/pasted below.

Comment by Gretchen Belsome on August 9, 2010 at 1:41pm
Wow...Your cake and your blog is awesome. I thought about the stage pictures after, I had iced one of the cakes. I a took the picture with my phone this morning and for some reason it is taking way to long to email it. I hope to have it up soon. Thanks for Sharing!!!
Comment by Gretchen Belsome on August 9, 2010 at 2:44pm
I can't believe I didn't take more pictures..... I put the finishing touches on this cake this morning, and took a quick picture before bringing to my daughter's school for the Teacher's Welcome Back Day. I had a few problems, you can't see it in the picture but it turned into a Topsy Turvy cake, unintentionally, it fell in the middle on both cakes and I didn't want to toss it at this point, so it does look a little different in person. Does anyone know why it does this? I got a doz cupcakes, and an oval pan out of the batter. I filled it with the cream cheese icing and fresh strawberries, it is iced with cream cheese icing (very hard to smooth, it was just melting most of the time) the cutouts are fondant and gumpaste, in two shades of pink and the icing was sprayed with Duff Pink Cake Graffitti... That was a darker pink then I wanted, but it is all in the way you spray.


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