Cake Decorating Community - Cakes We Bake

Have any of you taken the 2 week Wilton Master's course in Illinois?  If so, would you recommend it?  The price is a little steep once you factor in the cost of hotel and meals, so I would love to hear from people who have gone through it.


Looking forward to your replies!



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They actually say you don't need to have any experience to come to the Master's class! I guess they start at the beginning. I took courses 1 and 2 about 7 years ago but just recently started getting back into it. I told my hubby that's what I want for Christmas this year, but we'll see. ;) I would love to hear from anyone who has done it, though!
I was told take the first three classes become a WMI then the master's class is 1/2 off. That's what someone told me.
I live too far away from Illinois let alone to my town where I have to travel to take classes if I ever do.

Gosh, too bad they can't (I'm assuming only) do the classes online live and charge a minimal amount for each person. That is possible too, live classes online. I have a friend who does this with the Paper part of the Cricuit and Design Studio. She does it with only several people to a class to keep everything in order. To do her classes, she has confirmation of you and then gives you a password to sign on to the conference video. Of course, paper is much easier than having fondant, icing, gum paste etc. LOL.
That would be great to do.

I can just see it, get these supplies ready.
Turn on your computer or laptop with the speakers on and be at your work area.
Heck, I love the videos on this site and plan to learn more by watching them and then doing it! doing it and doing it!!!
From my understanding, you have to take courses 1, 2, and 3, have pictures of your finale cakes for each course, Wilton will take a look at them along with your application and they will get back to you. Something along those lines. I was planning on doing it myself. At the moment, I'm in the middle of 2 and Fondants and Gum Paste.
Well, that stinks if you did 1 and 2 a long time ago and didn't take photos of your final cakes! :( Plus, our nearest Michael's is an hour away so it's not like I could easily do those classes. Sadness. I have the course books - maybe I could just do the final cakes and submit photos of those showing I can do them. LOL.
You can always go on Wilton's site and find out if there is a place in your area, besides Michael's, that offer the classes. The classes are only four 2-hr classes, and they go by fast. Where I live, it is offered at Michael's Crafts, JoAnn's Fabrics and The Party Shop. You should check it out. It's a lot of fun, you meet others that share some of the same interests, and may end up walking out with more tips than what you may already know. Think about it.
I just checked out the Wilton site again and it didn't say anything about prerequisites to sign up for the Master Class - in fact, it says:

"Professional course for teachers, bakers, caterers, chefs, enthusiasts or beginners. Designed to prepare students for a career in cake decorating, this course teaches basic techniques to design and decorate party cakes and ultimately, a fully decorated 3-tiered display wedding cake. Students perform all decorating under close supervision and learn to make 15 flowers and 20 different borders."

Seems like basic stuff to me. They do have advanced classes available as well, maybe those are the ones that require other classes beforehand? If anyone knows for sure there are prerequisites, could you point me to the website area that outlines that? because I can't find it on my own. Thanks!
Diana - I did take courses 1 and 2 about 7 years ago which is what got me started. :) I double-checked where the closest place they do classes here and it is, in fact, the Michael's an hour away. (I live in Northern Wisconsin - kind of the boonies).
Check out their "Discussion Forums". You can actually contact someone in Wilton that way. Also, there is a website called that is part of Wilton and you can leave Nancy a message and she'll answer any questions you may have.
I am taking the class in September. I am currently a WMI, I started decorating in November of 2009, completed my classes at the end of March 2010 and was teaching the first week of April. I live in a suburb of Kansas City, but my husband works from home with short bits of travel to chicago because the company he works for is there and they have a townhouse, that along with it and the 40 percent off I get of the tution for being a WMI I am going to give it a shot. I am also taking a couple of the other extra classes. I am super excited and can't wait.

As for becoming a WMI, you can teach yourself and then submit an application to become an instrucor. Then see if one of h local stores would be willing to carry some of the Wilton product (enough to teach classes at least and be approved by Wilton) so that you could teach there.
It is now Oct. and I am interested in attending the course. I am on the waiting list for Nov. class. If you become an instructor-are all the classes 40% off? A local store is looking for an instructor and I have basic skills. I just completed course 1 and start #2 next week. Any feedback appreciated.

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