Cake Decorating Community - Cakes We Bake

I just wanted to share something I saw on the news last night. I know many of us are much braver writing things online than we would be talking to someone in person, so you should be aware of what might get you into trouble. I'm not just talking about what you say here; this goes for Facebook and any other forum you comment in.

If what you say about someone can be proven true, you are okay. But, if you say something bad about someone or some company online, you are taking the chance of being charged with libel or slander. To play it safe, if you can't say it to the person's face, think again about saying it online.

Getting something off your chest just isn't worth a lawsuit. 

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Great info Theresa... sometimes the temptation to spout is not worth it.
I agree, already try to watch what i say as is , but still watch what i say in gerneal if that makes any sence LOL
Also , I tend to follow the saying Do unto others as you have done unto you , if your nice to others most of time you get it back , and if yyou dont getit back from the same person you will get the nice ness back from someone else , what goes around comes around ,
Be Careful of the Words You Say... Keep them Soft and Sweet... You'll never know from day to day Which Ones You'll Have to EAT!!!
Good advice, Theresa. I think these kinds of forums are great for honest opinions. The discussions on the Duff Goldman products, for instance, are nice because they are unbiased opinions on the quality and price. I think if I had a company that sold products to a niche market I would be very interested in what the users were saying about it. :) Just be sure and let everyone know it's your OPINION on a product and you should be fine.
Love this Jeri!!

jeri c said:
Be Careful of the Words You Say... Keep them Soft and Sweet... You'll never know from day to day Which Ones You'll Have to EAT!!!
This is good to know, I had an FB situation where I just so wanted to rip someone a new face....but instead I just blocked her and pretty soon I forgot all about her!!!

It was my sister!!! :D
Tsk tsk, Sherry.

Sherry Qualls said:
This is good to know, I had an FB situation where I just so wanted to rip someone a new face....but instead I just blocked her and pretty soon I forgot all about her!!!

It was my sister!!! :D

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