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So Excited... My flowers are finally starting to bloom!

Each spring I await the blooming of my flowers.  I am a garden nut and love my flowers!  I have peony bulbs that are over 100 years old and the red ones are in full bloom and beautiful.  Will post pics soon... the clematis vines ( I have 13 of them) are budding up and getting ready.  My goal this summer is to really study the clematis and make some in gumpaste.  Can't wait till they bloom!

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I noticed something very cool with one of my roses. I have to post a picture. Most people dust the inside of the rose darker and make the petals lighter on the outside. I have this gorgeous pink rose that looks like it's water colored fuschia, but the deeper pink is on the inside of the petals, so as the petals open you see the darker color, making the outside petals darker than the inside ones.
I love the clematis, and roses too. There is this one house that has a very deep purple clematis and I keep forgetting to take my camera with me. Now that you posted this, I will definitely take it with me today and take pics. Also, around the block from me is a house with a row of roses that are nice and fully opened. Have to take those pics before it's too late. This is the perfect time to get out there and study lots of flowers.
The bulb and seed catalogs are great for seeing all the different types of flowers there are. You wouldn't believe how many incredible day lilies there are. Everyone has those boring orange ones, but they really do come in every color of the rainbow. If you go to, they carry amazing day lilies. They make you want to do them in sugar.

Diana Viera said:
I love the clematis, and roses too. There is this one house that has a very deep purple clematis and I keep forgetting to take my camera with me. Now that you posted this, I will definitely take it with me today and take pics. Also, around the block from me is a house with a row of roses that are nice and fully opened. Have to take those pics before it's too late. This is the perfect time to get out there and study lots of flowers.
Diana that sounds like the Jackamingi (sp might be wrong) I have 2 of them and they are loaded with blooms when they start. We are a little later on our blooming season here but they are budded up and will start opening soon. The Snow Queen opened up yesterday. I will get some pics of it.. so pretty it is always the first one to open up. Then the Nelly Moser is not far behind it. Maybe if we all share photos... we can get new ideas!!!

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