Cake Decorating Community - Cakes We Bake

September 24th
PostPosted: Sun Apr 06, 2008 7:01 am  Reply with quoteBack to top
I found this a while ago, don't remember where but I saved it and never tried it.
"saw a few posts asking how to make gold and silver for piping.....found this recipe and thought I would share it:

2 ts. Powdered sugar
2 ts. gold silver or metallic dusting powder
clear alcohol
1 ts. piping gel

On a small ceramic plae, mix sugar and dusting powder. Add a few drops of clear alcohol (gin or vodka is suggested) and mix with a small palette knife to create a stiff paste

Add the piping gel, a little at a time, mixing well until the consistency for piing in reached. Use a very small piping bag and tip as needed. The leftovers can be put into a small container and stored in the refrigerator. It will keep indefinitely YOU NEED 4 GRAMS FOR THIS ! PLUS YOU CAN ADD MORE POWDER SUGAR , YOU WILL LOVE IT !

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awesome ! have fun ; )

cool... thx!

you are all very welcome have fun with this ! ; )

lol Gail - you've really got everyone excited over this one!

good , ; ) love it !!! why should all the pro's on CC know all the cool stuff?, lol they almost never  ever share ! so i'l find all the good stuff and share on CWB , ; )) and when they see , the secreat is out !!, they get upset on CC to see we can do it to , he he thats why i love CWB every1 is so willing to share and help !,

Hey thanks for this tip!! I have copied this in my documents so that I can try this one day on the cake I will be making for a young girl in my neighborhood in December for her birthday.

this stuff is not cheap to do but it is beautiful , i love it !

Mary Ponds said:

Hey thanks for this tip!! I have copied this in my documents so that I can try this one day on the cake I will be making for a young girl in my neighborhood in December for her birthday.

Every day we learn something new for sure, and this recipe is an example, thanks for share it, I know I will love it!!!!





This recipe is a treasure which I have been look for for so long, thanks for sharing it.

Just one question, I am a muslim and therefore alcohol is an absolute no, no for me. Can you or someone else please suggest a substitute.


I believe lemon extract would work

extract should work well

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