Cake Decorating Community - Cakes We Bake

With new members joining every day, I thought it would be a good idea to remind everyone that this is a family friendly site.  We have many budding young cake decorators who frequent the site.  Therefore, we ask everyone not to add any photo that depicts nude bodies or body parts. They will be deleted. Scantily clad bodies or body parts and/or sexually suggestive may also be removed.

We also ask that you do not post any drug related (medical cakes are acceptable).

All this is in the FAQ section as well as other rules.  

Thank you for your cooperation.

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Thank you, Goreti :)

Always good to remind folk now and again Goreti, thanks.  I suggest we keep this discussion at the top of the forums for a bit.

:/) good stuff :-)
...... I dread the day someone asks me to do a ... Suggestive cake. I'm going to have to say no, my kids see all my work!

You are indeed Penny.  You don't need to be having to explain that to your kids!

Penny said:

:/) good stuff :-)
...... I dread the day someone asks me to do a ... Suggestive cake. I'm going to have to say no, my kids see all my work!
Yes, thanks Goreti. We want all members to be able to come on here and enjoy looking at cakes and not be offended in any way by the content. :o)

Thank You!!!



If we continue to have repeat offenders to this, we will have to ban members that have been warned several times and refuse to comply to our rules. We have children that frequent this site, and when there are cake photos that depict a subject that is pornographic in nature, this will not be tolerated.


Thank you, Goreti.  One day I entered the tag line "exotic cakes" expecting to see tropical flowers, etc.  Imagine my disgust when I got sexual explicit cakes instead...ugh! I guess I am a prude but that is one type of cake in which I have absolutely no interest.  Totally gross.

we're all with you there Sandra!  Tasteless and stupid imo

I'm with you.  I've seen some so disgusting.  Who the heck would want to eat a slice of it?  yuck

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