Cake Decorating Community - Cakes We Bake

Hi newbies, 


Welcome to Cakes We Bake. Please introduce yourself here.

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Welcome Kate You have come to the right place. Everyone Is friendly here. Help you where we can.  :o)

Hi, I'm Denise. I joined just a little over a week ago. I've been doing cakes for 30+ years. I haven't taken any cake decorating classes so I'm not a professional. Although, in my little corner of the world, my friends & family consider me to be one.  I posted a few of my "early years" cakes and some of my more recent ones. I'm a late bloomer at the age of 57 and see a big improvement between then & now. I think that's mostly due to internet access and the vast amount of information available now that wasn't available when I first started. Most of what I did early on was strictly butter cream but I've crossed over into fondant & have been using gum paste for figurines, cake toppers, etc.  I'm not really in it to make money. Most of what I do is for family & close friends. Don't get me wrong, I don't mind making a few dollars when I can & won't refuse payment, but mostly I just enjoy the creativity & challenge of venturing into unknown areas I haven't attempted before & mastering new techniques. Thanks for accepting me into the group. I've really been enjoying looking at the photos of everyone's cakes. Lots of beautiful cakes & talented cake artists here.

Welcome Denise.  Reading your post here, you could have been describing me!  Everything you say rings true with me also.  I'm just in the middle of making my husband's 70th birthday cake and I'm enjoying every step of it.  I love thinking up something that is relevant to the recipient, I love it when I bake and the cake comes out perfectly and I love making the decorations.  Often the end result isn't what was in my head, but no-one else in the family can do it, so, like you, I am considered an artist!

I checked out your photos and you have made some really great cakes.

I hope you enjoy belong to CWB as much as I do.

Welcome Denise

Like Katy, I can relate to your post. I am was amazed at your 1st wedding cake.....  circa 1986. I was into strictly "star tipping" character cakes for my kids.  I would have never attempted anything like that, not back then. I, like you, cake just for fun. Have had the occasional paying customer.  Have looked at your cake pics and  I can see the progression in your talent. This is a great site for learning, friendship and all things cake. Enjoy.    :o)

Thanks Katy & June for the warm welcome & your comments/compliments. I'm looking forward to the friendships, learning, & all things cake :)

Hi my name is Ann-Janice Bayo, I´m British and have been living in Germany for over 30 years. I just started baking beginning of this year wanting to make a cake for my granddaughters first birthday and also the small company for whom I work also wanted to add cupcakes to their sales, our customers refer to one of our shops as the cupcake shop instead of the delicatessen so I must be doing something right. I also wanted to learn more from other people who are also interested in baking let it be as a hobby or job. Looking forward to all the interested things I am sure to find here and meeting loads of interesting new friends.


Welcome Ann-Janice
You will enjoy this site. Lots of great cakers & lots of help & advice. :o)

Welcome Ann-Janice, from another Brit, but living in England!  Great site here, very nice people and always ready with help, advice, support and praise.  Hope you enjoy belonging and get what you're looking for out of it.

Hi, I'm Ellen. I live in New Orleans & have been baking for about 8 yrs. I bake mostly for family & close friends. I took the Wilton classes to start, and have spent a lot of time on the internet watching videos to learn other techniques.
Hi, I'm Ellen. I live in New Orleans & have been baking for about 8 yrs. I bake mostly for family & close friends. I took the Wilton classes to start, and have spent a lot of time on the internet watching videos to learn other techniques.

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