Cake Decorating Community - Cakes We Bake

This may sound silly, but I can't tell you how relieved I am that my husband finally got his front tooth fixed! He lost his real front tooth playing football in college and had a fake one attached to his root. A month and a half ago, it came loose.

He's been going around showing it off since then, telling people I punched him in the mouth, putting it in his mouth and then pretending to trip and lose it, scaring kids in the grocery store. Can you imagine! I wouldn't leave the house if I had my front tooth knocked out. He certainly wouldn't put up with me not having a tooth. 

So, he had oral surgery and now he looks cute again. Why can men get away with doing these things? How many women would act this way and think it's funny?

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OMG...I think that is hilarious.........and....would kill my husband if he did it.....but it's way funny cuz its your husband!!
He hasn't stopped being the class clown. This kind of stuff goes on all day long with him.
Theresa... our husbands must be brothers.... mine is always doing stuff that is so embarassing... and he always thinks it is so funny! Glad he got it fixed....and glad you think he's cute again! :-)
haha, at least he has a good sense of humor about it!
Yes, sometimes he is embarassing, but his silliness is one of the things I love about him. He's never boring!
Terri, your home must be filled with a lot of laughter!!! I can't imagine what it is like on April 1st, October 31st and anyone's birthday. I think you should make him a cake with a cookie monster on it that has a snaggletooth! What better way to get back at him but with Sweets, sweet revenge! Have fun!
Smilin' Sher

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