Cake Decorating Community - Cakes We Bake

I'm really disappointed that we now have to "Like" every cake we want to vote for.  I really don't want to have everything routed through facebook, but since that seems to be the direction we are going here, I will no longer be voting for cakes on this site.  I'm not angry, just sad and disappointed.  Wish you all well.

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I agree. I wasn't really sure how it was going to i voted, then when I logged into FB each "like" had posted on my page. I won't be doing that again unless I can figure out how it won't post on my FB page. Seems like there could be another way other than that. I just joined this site, I don't understand why it would be linked to FB.  ????
i agree.  Didn't quite realize this would happen when I voted, but am dismayed to see all my actions on facebook.  Who I vote for is my business and not something I necessarily want made public.  Isn't voting supposed to be confidential?
I'm nixing it for the next contest. I've heard what you all have to say and didn't mean for it to cause problems.
Thank you, Theresa!  I don't like to clutter up my facebook page (and all my friends' newsfeeds) with other stuff I do.  I'm not a huge fan of facebook as it is, so I'm trying to do less with it as it is.  I understand the value of the publicity this type of voting would create for the "Cakes We Bake" website, so I understand why you would originally want to have us vote this way.  The biggest downfall would be that anyone who is not on facebook might not be able to cast a vote at all.  The good news is that for anyone who wants their votes to show up on their facebook page (ie Tina), you can still do that anyway.  All you have to do is click the "Like" icon after you have voted on "Favorites" and you and all your friends can still see all of your votes.  I appreciate having the option to vote privately, though.  Thanks again for your attention to this, Theresa!

Theresa Happe said:
I'm nixing it for the next contest. I've heard what you all have to say and didn't mean for it to cause problems.

Honestly, I don't use my personal page much on facebook at all. I guess I'm just not into posting all the inane things I do each day. I think it gets ridiculous. We have a lot of fb pages for the site, but that's more for sharing cakes people add here. We're about helping people get exposure.


The original intention was to make good use out of the familiarity people have with the facebook like button. It's all over the internet, so it seemed like an obvious thing. Every month, we have to explain over and over again how to vote, so I thought it would cut down on the confusion. Ultimately, we need a new system for handling the contests because it's confusing as is and a lot of work for us on this end.


What I do want all of you to know is that I care about your feelings and my goal is to make things better, not worse. Sometimes we make mistakes, and sometimes we just don't realize what the outcome of a change will be.  I want you all to know you can say anything to me, ask for anything, and I will do my best to accommodate you. Some things may take time, because we need major programming changes, but we are working towards those amendments. Ok, enough blabber. Happy Monday.


you are always so thoughtful!  I do understand about voting and not wanting it all over your facebook page... I just wanted to be sure the cakes I voted for actually got the vote and they all disappeared off my favorites.  I need to go back in and vote but will do it on the favorite button.  Not sure if you will count those or not.  Whichever... my one vote probably will not make or break it anyway! 

I appreciate all you do for this site!!!


OK... I bit the bullett and voted through facebook... not my favorite way of doing it but decided that I should take some time and go back through and vote for the ones I like the best.  I did not have time to go through and vote for all my favorites but hit the ones I know I like the best. 

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