Cake Decorating Community - Cakes We Bake

I see the same trend with this cake contest that I saw with the last contest....some entrants are enouraging their family and friends to sign up for the SOLE purpose of voting on that person's cake!!!! 



Personally I think that STINKS...its called padding the votes and on my ethics radar its CHEATING...but everyone has to live with themselves....if that how someone wants to win a contest...................


If Terri wants to delete this post that is her perogative...But I just had to put it out there.



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I love the idea of letting everyone vote and then having a panel of judges vote from the top 5 or 10! That gives everyone a chance to have their say and makes it fair!
The whole thing is I think people enjoy voting. I don't want to let a few people ruin it for everyone else. So, this way it doesn't really matter if people want to solicit friends and family. The judges are going to ignore a cake that doesn't belong in the top 10.
I agree with Diana. You need to pick the judges by invite.

Theresa Happe said:
I don't want to permanently exclude people from the contest, so if a judge wants to participate, we'll have a substitute judge for that contest.

Diana Viera said:
Theresa ~ I like the way you think! Whenever you have a cake contest, you should be the one to pick your judges and maybe even rotate every now and then. Those judges should not be allowed to enter that specific contest just to be fair to everyone else.

This is a great site and it shouldn't be ruined for everyone else. Lets move on:D
Geeezzz.... I am flat on my back and miss out on all the drama! I have spoken my piece on this last contest.... and hope that we don't encourage our friends to come on just to vote for their cake.... if that is how someone wants to win... pretty poor self esteem and not much confidence in their work...
Hi my name Rena Jackson and I am fairly new to the site and I don't know anyone.I think I be a good judge and I know I could be fair. So if you are still looking let me know.

Theresa Happe said:
On second thought, I am recruiting judges for next month's contest.

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