Cake Decorating Community - Cakes We Bake



I was wondering how to make a crown on a princess cake. I wanted to make a large princess crown on top of the cake with royal icing or gum paste.


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I downloaded a crown pattern, cut it out of mm fondant, then let dried it over the side of a 6" round cake pan. I then painted it gold with luster dust. After it dried I added candy hearts as jewels.
Thanks Jessie I'm going to try that.
How would I do it with royal icing? How would I get it to stand and curve like the crown.
I also made a crown out of fondant. It didn't want to harden up as much as I wanted it to though. Next time I plan to use a mixture of fondant and gumpaste. :-)
JFYI, I always use fondant with tylose powder. it's 1tsp of tylose powder to 1 pnd of fondant. It hardens wonderfully:)

I made one a couple of years ago.  Anyway, I just googled and got inspired.  It was very easy.  I molded it around a can so it would keep its form until dry.  i used fondant with a bit of tylose mixed in.


Here is a nice one that should be fairly easy.


The cake I made  I wish I had made the roping more delicate before putting together.


Good luck!  can't wait to see it.

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