I feel completely frustrated over this.
I am self-taught baker for almost 2 years. Last week I was working on my first guitar cake (pic attached).
I took a day off from my primary work. Spend days to preparing stuff and more than 12 hours to assemble it together. My pinky toes went actually numb over so much standing in the kitchen and my carpal tunnel syndrome is coming back with each cake.
What gets me are stupid comments from people who have NO CLUE what it take to make pretty and edible cakes. I had 2 people saying that I will make more money off of that cake than I would make at work since I took day off, which is nonsense. They think it costs me nothing and all the money I make is just profit for me.
I charged $75 for guitar marble cake (3" tall) with nutella buttercream. It was made out of 10" and 9" round cakes - 3 layers, handle was not edible. I hand painted it to make wood effect on it.
When I heard comments about me making lots of money, I got so mad/disappointed , it almost made me cry. How unfair is that??? I don't charge too much! Or do I? After all, I hardly make $30 on my cakes. Is it even worth it? I can't stand those comments and don't know how to deal with it. It is so unfair to talk about something you have no experience with and assume what is not true at all. ...
I am new to baking and decorating cakes and I am at the point folks are asking me to bake for them and I don't know how much to charge. But I agree with the other folks you are under charging and you are doing a beautiful job. It's funny how the one bad comment negates all of the positive comments. Please try not to let the bad out weigh the good. You do a wonderful job. Be proud of yourself and enjoy, that is why we do this for the most part.
I had a lady pick up two cakes today to take out of state for a double birthday event, and she actually told me I should have charged her more for all my work. There are people out there who appreciate our efforts....God Bless them.
Members of another site, not to be named would want to come thru the computer to kill you for that price. That being said it is an amazing cake. Easily a $200.00 cake, probably much more but I don't have my pricing sheet pulled up. As it has already been said, people who have never done it, don't know how much time and effort really go into making cakes like yours. I would have said "NO... I could quit my job if charged you what this cake is actually worth," you clearly have more self restraint than me. I am no where near your caliber of work and it will be years before I am even near that but I know that my time is valuable. I have a fiancé, family, other hobbies, etc. I do love to bake but I will not give up my time just to be unappreciated. I never knew the pricing for cakes until the past year, but I knew that a cake like yours was more than I could afford.
I would have charged $250 for that cake at least! People just do not understand. I had someone ask me why I was so expensive once because she was sure it would not cost me that much to make it. She has a coffee shop down town... I asked her why a cup of coffee was so expensive... she said because she has to pay employees and the cost of goods and her overhead..... hmmmmm I said. I don't have any employees so she had me there but I told her I am my only employee and I deserve to be paid for my work. After we talked for quite awhile.... she understood. But most people do not.
I can relate to what you and everyone else is saying, Because I've been there also. I've had people cancel their order because they think that I charge too much, But they don't understand what it takes to go into a cake all the time and effort you put into your work, And to have someone say something they know nothing about it really do makes you want to cry, That cake is beautiful and you should have charged much more than $75.00 for it, Keep doing what you're doing and don't let anyone steal your Joy !
I would have charged at least $150.00 for this cake. You did a beautiful job. Some people have no idea the time and cost that goes into making such a cake. I have put as much as 40 hours into a cake especially when making dozens of gumpaste flowers, baking, clean up, rolling fondant, carving, etc. Don't be upset by their ignorance. Set a whopper of a price. If they don't want to pay it, tell them to get it somewhere else. You are an artist and deserve to be paid for your time and talent. The lettering must have taken you at least 1-2 hours alone. When I started making cakes I did one shaped like a pumpkin, 8 layers, lot of flowers, including wildflowers. It took me over 40 hours to make. Someone from the Food Network saw it and said I should have asked $500.00 for it. Since then, I have come to realize how valuable my time and efforts are worth. Don't underestimate yourself.
Just a suggestion for "getting back in shape". Do you have a pool that you can use? you can walk in a pool if the doctor allows any weight bearing. it takes the pressure off your leg. If you are in a cast they sell these large rubber tubes you can put over your cast so it doesn't get wet. just a thought.
Jackie Merseal said:
Majka, as I have said, your cake is a work of art and you deserve to charge more. You are worth more!!!!
Sharon, I have gained weight in the last year, after aT-12 compression fracture I put on 30lbs. I'm used to being a small but healthy person. For the past year I've been trying to lose the weight, every time I get going something happens. Finally I started swimming and I was doing well until I got a compound feature to my left ankle a month ago. I can't do anything, I'm trying to eat right but losing weight is out of the question for the moment. My fiance is wonderful, he is planning a day long hike for us when I'm able (late October - early November). He's been here for me this whole time and supports me in my quest to get back in shape. I get looks, comments, all that fun stuff. I try not to let people get to me. Lately it's been hard since I wear yoga capris and t-shirts.... The external fixator doesn't allow for looking nice. It hurts. But I know I'll be myself again. Don't let people get to you. I know it's hard but those people clearly have problems of their own. I actually spouted out at a lady who was staring at my leg, I told her if she had a damn problem to ask me, not talk above me! She apologized after nearly walking into a display at target.
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