Cake Decorating Community - Cakes We Bake

Can anyone give me some assistance on what I should charge for this cake.  It was a 9" vanilla & chocolate cake with strawberry filling.  The hat was a 6" cake with 40 cupcakes.  I'm trying to get an idea of the pricing because I've been told that I'm selling myself short.

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Thank you so much. I live in Sunrise, Florida. Yes, this is truly a learning experience. I'm sure it won't be the last time someone tries this but now I'll be ready for them.

June Kowalczyk said:


I just about passed out when I read this thread!!!!  I don't know where you live, because prices vary greatly based on this. You can only charge what your market can bear. My advice I continue to give is to contact at least 5-10 in your area and see what they would charge. Doesn't matter what advice we give about a price because unfortunately,  we don't live in your area. Although it does give you a rough idea of what we think your cake craft is worth. In my area I would have charged $150 for the cake, $2.50 for each cupcake. 50% down, the rest 5-3 days before....NO EXCEPTIONS!!   I can honestly say I have never been "had". Sob story indeed!! If a cutomer I didn't know came to pick up a cake without any $$$$....sorry...NO CAKE.  I guess Heaven Scent it is because I dealt with bills & payments in a large office for so long....I heard every story & excuse going....and sorry to say 95% were lying.  Put this down to a learning experience. It is a good teacher. Be proud of your work....your cake was lovely. Think how hard you worked, the supplies you used, your time, ...YOUR TALENT.  You earned every penny.  You can't run your car without gas...can you???   Don't know too many gas stations who give gas for next to nothing.  :o)

Yes Heaven Scent

It is to bad we all have to learn like this.  That's life.  Nothing we learn, even the bad stuff, is a waste of time. It builds our character. We can't change the things that happen, only how we choose to react to them.  Your more than prepared for next time. So smile and pat yourself on the back.

All I can say is it's good to have the support on this sure from others who know how I feel. A lot of people think that all we do is bake a cake. They have no idea how much work and time we put into this. This cake in particular I put more into it than the picture they originally showed me because I thought it was too>

June Kowalczyk said:

Yes Heaven Scent

It is to bad we all have to learn like this.  That's life.  Nothing we learn, even the bad stuff, is a waste of time. It builds our character. We can't change the things that happen, only how we choose to react to them.  Your more than prepared for next time. So smile and pat yourself on the back.

Yup we have all been there done that. You will get support here........   :o)


June Kowalczyk said:

Yup we have all been there done that. You will get support here........   :o)

I can vouch for that - we get wonderful support here!  Thanks to all the ladies who share their wisdom with us!!!

June Kowalczyk said:

Yup we have all been there done that. You will get support here........   :o)

Still laughing at Dee's idea of cutting the cake in half...reminded me of the wise King Solomon. For some reason I wish this happens to me, so I could use her idea, but believe me, I would not give her my cake if is not paid for...
And to answer your question about pricing, I would have charged $130 for the cake and $80 for the cupcakes.

Hi Heaven Sent Cakes! The same thing happened to me until I got wiser.  What I usually do now is, I  send or give my quote on which I ask for a 50% deposit on the order day before I even book the cake, and on the quote the customer is also informed to pay the outstanding amount at least a week before the delivery or pick up date. On that particular day I phone to remind them. They sometimes make an excuse that they are sorry they forgot but by the next day the money is paid in. It works perfectly for me. Oh yes, the quote also states that if they cancel, the  forfeit the deposit. 

Heaven Sent Cakes & Treats said:

Thank you also on the compliment on the cake

Heaven Sent Cakes & Treats said:
Hi, thank you so much for your reply. I charged $2.00 per cupcake and $50.00 for the cake. I collected 50percent deposit and the lady showed up to pick up the products without the balance with a sob story.

Dee Miller said:

Well, I am still new at this myself and pricing is always a problem for me but, personally, I wouldn't sell that cake for anything less than $100 and probably closer to $150.  The cake alone should conservatively feed 30, plus when you add the 40 cupcakes, at $100 you would be charging less than $1.50 per serving.  Way too low, IMHO, but other bakers here might think $!50 is way too high.  Like I said, I am still relatively new at this myself.  However,  I can't think of anywhere on earth you can get a yummy dessert for $1.50!!!  

It is a beautiful cake and I would be interested to know what price you ultimately decide on! : )

Thank you for your help. Yes, this is exactly what I will be doing.

Magdalena Visser said:

Hi Heaven Sent Cakes! The same thing happened to me until I got wiser.  What I usually do now is, I  send or give my quote on which I ask for a 50% deposit on the order day before I even book the cake, and on the quote the customer is also informed to pay the outstanding amount at least a week before the delivery or pick up date. On that particular day I phone to remind them. They sometimes make an excuse that they are sorry they forgot but by the next day the money is paid in. It works perfectly for me. Oh yes, the quote also states that if they cancel, the  forfeit the deposit. 

Heaven Sent Cakes & Treats said:

Thank you also on the compliment on the cake

Heaven Sent Cakes & Treats said:
Hi, thank you so much for your reply. I charged $2.00 per cupcake and $50.00 for the cake. I collected 50percent deposit and the lady showed up to pick up the products without the balance with a sob story.

Dee Miller said:

Well, I am still new at this myself and pricing is always a problem for me but, personally, I wouldn't sell that cake for anything less than $100 and probably closer to $150.  The cake alone should conservatively feed 30, plus when you add the 40 cupcakes, at $100 you would be charging less than $1.50 per serving.  Way too low, IMHO, but other bakers here might think $!50 is way too high.  Like I said, I am still relatively new at this myself.  However,  I can't think of anywhere on earth you can get a yummy dessert for $1.50!!!  

It is a beautiful cake and I would be interested to know what price you ultimately decide on! : )

I am with june.

I start my pricing out at $2.50 a serving with butter cream and 3.75 a serving with fondant. $24 a dozen for the cupcakes if they want decoration its $5-$10 extra per dozen. you could have charged another $50-$60 for your cake..

Did you give her the cake?

Yes, i.gave her the cake. But this will be the last time this happens to me/>

Elizabeth Armijo said:

I am with june.

I start my pricing out at $2.50 a serving with butter cream and 3.75 a serving with fondant. $24 a dozen for the cupcakes if they want decoration its $5-$10 extra per d, ozen. you could have charged another $50-$60 for your cake..

Did you give her the cake?

I totally agree with June. It really does depend on where you live...what you can charge. I did that exact thing...I felt out the market in my area and every once in a while I do it again because costs for everything keep rising! I also agree no $$$ no cake. I do enough "favors" for my family and friends :)

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